The pretty boy

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Grace's mom comes in her room

"grace I told the dinner was ready" mom says

"oh I'm sorry mom let's go" grace gets up from her bed and goes downstairs with her mom the family starts eating their meal grace looks at her mom and dad feeling hesitant to ask a question.

"um mom,dad do you know anything about "The Rockhill village"?" after gathering all the courage she asks that question.

"oh that's-"her dad stops 'huh why did he looks kind of taken aback' "it's your grandma's hometown" mom says suddenly "what really? dad?"

grace asks while looking at her dad,dad sighs and says "yes it is,we were just.. scared that you might get sad if we tell anything about grandma" everything becomes silent for some moments "thanks for saying it dad but I already got over grandma's death" grace says looking slightly down with a bitter smile on

"but you still have us don't forget that" dad says while patting grace's head "haha of course I won't duhh" mom and dad laugh.

"by the way how do you know about the Rockhill village?"mom asks 'i cant tell them everything not yet but I will just say a little' grace thinks as she says "uh grandma told me a story about the village but I can't remember exactly what it is cause it was long ago.."

"oh is that so" 'its easy to convince them I guess' grace thinks "oh um tomorrow I gotta go to LA again" "huh why, why so fast?" dad asks with a concerned face mom also looks at grace "tomorrow onwards I have practice classes because exams are coming soon so.."

'this is the biggest lie I ever lied to them, tomorrow my holidays are starting not my exams' grace face palms mentally

"oh then study well grace"says mom with slight smile after a while grace finishes her dinner and goes to sleep waiting for a intresting tomorrow
The morning had arrived 'i barely even slept last night waiting for today' grace quickly freshens up and goes downstairs running and starts eating her breakfast, after a while she finishes her meal

"thank you for the breakfast!" "Why are you so excited today?" mom asks

"cause today I have practice classes" 'shit I getting really good at lying dont know if I should be proud of it or feel bad of it' "oh" mom says and giggles "ok then I'll get going now" grace says while getting up from the chair and takes her big bag from the couch.

"bye mom and dad!" Grace says while exiting the house she takes her phone out and opens Google maps to see where exactly the Rockhill village is

"huh what the- this village is so far away from here!" Grace sighs.

"well I don't have any choice but to go.." grace starts her journey from her hometown to the Rockhill village.
After a day traveling she finally arrived at the village as grace steps foot on the village she says

"wahh I haven't seen a village in a while now" as grace explores the village she could feel the mild breeze hitting her skin making her shiver in a good way
"haa enough exploring and get to the main purpose of me coming here" grace takes out the map from grandma's story book she carried it through her whole traveling safely

"ughh this orphanage is far too it might take till evening to get there" grace starts her journey to the orphanage again
And finally she actually arrived at the orphanage at evening.

"uughh my legs hurt really really bad,this orphanage is suspiciously far away from the village, it's just like grandma said the story.."

she goes near the orphanage "this place looks really abandoned and creepy as hell, why is it even abandoned it's so big and nice...but creepy" grace tries to go in the building but she was just too frightened to even step foot in there.

"ok let's do this!" She goes to the building quickly dashing through the door she breaths heavily as she comes in.

"mhm not bad it's good in inside" grace starts searching everywhere to find anything "every single door is unlocked downstairs but nothing is in there tho" grace searches everything again,after a long time of searching..

"I can't find anything I don't even know what I'm looking for.." she says with disappointment all over her face then suddenly she sees a shiny thing at the corner of the main hall.

"huh what is that?" She goes running to the thing and sees a shiny tiny black box grace picks it up and opens it.

"this is a key..golden key but everything at downstairs are unlocked" grace sighs "shit I guess I gotta go upstairs" grace goes upstairs slowly while cold sweat drips down her neck.

"haa I finally did it!" she runs to the door which is locked and quickly keeps the key in the door knob and as soon as she opens the door a really bright light comes out of the room.

"ughhh what the hell!!" Grace covers her eyes with her arm the creepy hall suddenly out of no where becomes a heavenly bright hall.

The hall lightens up with the bright warm sunlight.

"eehh what the hell?! Why did this place become like this! Wha-" everything becomes bright and white,grace couldn't believe her eyes.

"wait a minute am i dead and I'm in the heaven!?" She runs downstairs being all confused and actually scared that she is dead or something.

"no no no I don't wanna die I'm so young not yet!" Grace was about to approach the main hall but she suddenly stands dead in her tracks when she sees a really pretty guy standing and doing something but she couldn't even notice what he was doing grace was just so dazed in the pretty boy's face.

'white slicked back hair showing his perfectly sculptured face with those beautiful ocean blue eyes...who is this angel?'

The pretty boy suddenly looks at grace "shit he looked at me" grace whispers

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The pretty boy suddenly looks at grace "shit he looked at me" grace whispers

To be continued
Stay tuned ;)

Just like a Feather (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें