Chapter 9-Solution

Start from the beginning

"Just talk to her tomorrow at the venue." Danny said as he got up and walked towards the back of the bus, "It sounds like the best option." I nodded.

"So...You still have the video or..." Sam said jokingly, I lunged over the table trying to grab him or hit him, he quickly backed away as he swatted my hands, laughing the whole time. He ran towards the back of the bus, I chased after him but he hid behind Danny,

"Sam, cut it out." He laughed as he rolled his eyes,

"Sam I swear to god, if you don't keep your mouth shut." I said trying to reach him around Danny,

"Seriously, I promise I will, it's just so fun to mess with you." He said as he hopped into his bunk. "But seriously she must have been really good then right?" Danny smacked him on the head, Sam immediately grabbing the spot and pouting, causing me to laugh.

"Josh, go take a shower. Sam, stop being an idiot and go to sleep." Danny said obviously annoyed. I looked around Danny and nodded at Sam, answering his question. He silently did a dramatic golf clap, before sliding his curtain shut as Danny glanced up at him with a scowl. I quickly went into the bathroom and closed the door before Danny could turn his scowl to me. After showering I finally went to bed. The next morning I could barely wait till it was time for us to go to the venue. I hadn't really decided exactly what to say to her, I just needed her to start talking to me again first.

I walked around for a moment before finding where I assumed she was. The door was closed, which was odd as she always left her door open. I knocked on the door lightly,

"Who is it," The sound of her voice instantly calming me,

"It's Josh." I said, I heard the lock move and tried to enter assuming she had unlocked it, but she had done the opposite. "Rhiannon, please just let me talk to you." I waited for a moment but she never answered. "I hope you know I'm not going to give up." I said before walking away. I started walking towards my dressing room, she'd have to bring me my outfit at some point. I frowned as I opened the door to see that there was already an outfit hanging in there. She was really doing everything in her power to avoid me. This meant that she was either really hurt or still really angry. It pained me to think of how upset I'd made her. I knew I still had another issue to take care of, but I needed to wait until after the show. After the show I went and changed, I walked past Rhiannon's workroom so see that it was still closed. I quickly changed before walking back to the common area. I found most of the crew working to get stuff packed. I searched for the person responsible for this whole thing, determined to take care of it. I finally found him working with some wires.

"Hey Nick," I said casually as I approached him.

"Josh." he said side eyeing me. I leaned against an amp and crossed my arms,

"I just have a quick question," He didn't respond but kept working, I spoke in a completely calm tone, "You couldn't have her for real so you just watch old videos of her?" He stopped what he was doing and looked over to me,

"What." He said harshly

"You heard me, you couldn't find the sense in your tiny little brain to just go find someone else? Instead you keep chasing this woman who is absolutely repulsed by you." I said tilting my head, walking closer. I watched as he balled his fists, I knew I was getting to him. "I mean look at you, and I heard from Jen that really no part of you is impressive." And with that last little jab his fist flew into my face. I fell backwards and another stage hand pulled him back as Sam ran over and helped me up. I steadied myself before grinning over to him, blood dripping out of my nose. "You're fucking fired." I said plainly, turning and walking away. I was tired of waiting for Rhiannon to listen, I was going to talk either way.

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