Chapter 1

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Well this is the first chapter of Book of Secrets Yay!!!

Enjoy :)


“Watch out!” Shouted Max as his football came crashing down landing on Rachel's painting,“Oh my gosh”screamed Jenny as she saw that her clothes where covered in paint, in her rage she threw her bottle of water into the air, It sprayed all over Adam's computer, giving out a few sparks and as he jumped back he bumped into Kelly, who had a book in one hand and her lunch in the other. For a second everyone gasped with horror as Kelly's lunch went flying through the air and landed on Miss Penny the maths teacher. Miss Penny had her hair up in a bun as usual and was wearing a stylish new dress which had pink polka-dots.

“Max, Rachel, Jenny, Adam and Kelly! Lunchtime detention now.” she shouted as she wiped spaghetti off her glasses.

“Are you lost?” sarcastically asked a boy sitting at the back of the classroom as they walked into detention, he was wearing a cap which concealed his eyes, but you could see a little bit of brown hair sticking out of it.

“Should have known Zack would be in here” Max Rhead said to his girlfriend Jenny, as they went to sit down at the other end of the room, Max had light brown hair and was wearing his football uniform, while Jenny Price had changed out of her dark blue blouse and black pencil skirt, into her 'emergency' white dress and red jacket, she had natural blond hair and light blue eyes, like her twin brother Adam Price, who sat at the front of the room working on his laptop.

The room was plain and boring, it had no posters like the other classrooms, there was a filing cabinet with a box on top of it and four rows of desks which were badly vandalized,

“Hi Zack,” said Rachel Barnett as she walked over to him, she had her beautiful red hair up on a pony tail and was wearing a regular t-shirt and jeans that had paint splattered all over them.

“Hey” he replied as Rachel sat at the table next to him, “So why are you in Detention?” Zack asked intrigued as he leaned back in his seat in a comfortable pose,

“Miss Penny completely freaked out for no reason” Rachel started but was rudely interrupted by Max who sarcastically laughed, “Not for no reason.”

“Don't Max” Jenny whispered placing her hand on his arm,

“Why? Everyone knows whose fault it was” he began turning to look at Kelly,

“Why are you looking at me?” Kelly Jones asked as she turned round in her seat, she had long wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes, she was wearing some casual black trousers and a white blouse,

“Well if you weren't so clumsy” Max continued raising his voice,

“What?” she cried,

“It wasn't Kelly who kicked the football, it was you” Rachel accused,

“What do you mean? I shouted over to you” justified Max,

“Oh, you shouted to me, well that helped” Rachel laughed, “How was I suppose to know you were talking to me, you never even notice any of us any more, you've become big headed, always hanging out with the popular crowd,” she argued getting frustrated,

“Big headed? I'm not big headed, the only reason I don't hang out with you any more is because ….”

“You haven't got time or you've got plans. We've heard all the excuses” Rachel interrupted,

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