- liam dunbar | mistletoe

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A/N - happy late christmas my darling readers !!! hope you stay safe during the holidays, little cutesy one because i haven't updated in LIGHTYEARS <3

3rd Person

Breathlessly Stiles scrambled into the room, "Right I got the mistletoe from Deaton ! What did you need it for again?"
"He's asking my sister out today aren't you Liam" Scott grinned at his Beta, knowing fully well (Y/N) has developed a crush on the boy.
"Well yeah obviously. Christmas is her favourite holiday and it meant to snow" Liam's voice got higher, "it never snows in Beacon Hills. It's perfect even Ms McCall said so!"
"JESUS CHRIST I thought there was a REAL PROBLEM that out the live sod everyone we know and love in DANGER! Get out of here before I get this mistletoe and shove it so far up your -"


BabyWolf - hey li what time should I b there 4 pack party??

Dwarf - at 6 I'll meet you out side bc everyone will be drunk before we get there :)

BabyWolf - werewolf's don't get drunk
fibbing is a sin

Liam POV

Isaac was the most excited about my plan, he was being a 'secret spy' to watch out for (Y/N), was I nervous? Yes of course. Who wouldn't be nervous asking out the girl you've liked since she smiled at you once in Year 5. Who also happens to be your Alpha's sister! Cool cool cool cool cool.
"Will you stop stressing Liam. You reek of anxiety." Although Malia was ecstatic to see the whole plan play out, she sent a glare my way ! Rude.
"SHE'S HERE EVERYONE SHE'S HERE" Isaac came bounding in until Peter stuck his foot out and-
I just wanted to be alone but NO they had to make it a Pack Night! God I was so nervous can she smell me? No of course not! She's only human right. Oh god what if she's like half lizard. I would totally still love her. Wait LOVE?

Dwarf - open the door dimwit I'm freezing my tits off out here

She's here okay well now just need to tell her how I love the way she cares for people and how her presence brings so much happiness into my life. And oh god she's so lovely and comforting like the smell of cookies, I want to show her that I'd rearrange all the stars for her if she wanted. I want to tell her how I love how she is brave I admire her, so much. God knows I love this girl.

"You- Love me ?" Wait is that (Y/N) "That was beautiful Liam" Definitelyyyyyy her. Can she read my mind. NO wait that's so cool.
"No you're speaking out loud idiot" Thanks Isaac
"Sooooooooo how's it going"

3rd Person

The pack rummaged through the area looking for the final piece of the very side tracked plan.
Kira handed it over to him along with a wack to the back of his head,
"You're going to ruin the moment!" Stiles was going red in the face,
"I swear if he hurts her I'll get a bat so terrifying even Coach will give a damn"

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