Epilogue (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

It was a white-collar dinner. Everybody was dressed up, head-to-toe, in all white and extravagant pieces. Didn't think I'd fit in.

When I got to the house that day, I was searching for him. Certain partners, family members, some of his staff, and more people tried to catch up with me but that wasn't in my plans.

With so many people standing around and mingling, I couldn't find him so I went with the vibe and caught up with some of Dad's old college buddies. All I could do was listen to how their lives were going because I didn't want everybody in my business.

Plus, they wouldn't stop talking about themselves and I couldn't just exit the conversation, no matter how many times I tried.

Someone had to save me from the nonsense.

"Journee, lovely seeing you here. Long time, no see." Davin interrupted as he led me over towards the drinks.

"I'm surprised you're here. I thought this was a business dinner." He continued, picking up a drink.

"And I have no part in my dad's business? Nice way to continue a conversation, Davin."

His eyebrows furrow and he looked over the rim of his wine glass. Snickering at me, he removed the glass from his lips and says "Still that same strong-minded Journee from college..."

I nodded as the conversation silenced itself and I looked back to see if my dad was coming this way. Well, this convo was fun but-

"And still elegant as ever."

Nah, player. I got a man and flirting isn't going to get you past the gate. I'm on lockdown, man.

But it did make me stop at the time because it was unexpected. It wasn't what he said because Tripp would tell me how beautiful I was all the time.

It was the way Davin said it, that deep sincere tone that took me back to my college days. We were cool with each other but that's not the type of tone you use with your acquaintances.

Also, did he just call me 'elegant'? That's different from 'beautiful'. Not even Dad called me that.

All I could do was thank Davin for his compliment and walk away. It wasn't the time to go down memory lane with him.

I never got to talk to my dad that night but, eventually, he finally heard my thoughts and we talked it out.

Here I was, thinking that was going to be the last night I'd speak to Davin that closely. That was a lie straight from the pits of hell.

After Tripp slowly ignored my multiple calls and text messages with his stupid ass, I went through it. I was stressed, angry, heartbroken, and worried. There was so much going on, at the time, and I needed him. He wasn't there. Angie and Cass had to pick up the slack and help me. That's when I realized where Tripp and I stood; our love had died.

While sending a letter to Darian, I bumped into Davin at the post office. I felt so embarrassed because he looked me up and down, seeing how much Tripp's silence affected me at the time. I was down and out, looking like a depressed clown. He wasn't supposed to see me like that.

I sped past Davin and raced to my car. After a few minutes of waiting for my car to warm up, a knock hit my window and I turn to see it's Davin with my phone in hand. I instantly rolled the window down and heard him out.

"Hey, you left your phone on the counter. I know you're in a rush but...you alright, J?"

Hell no, I wasn't alright. I was furious and here was the ex to rub his nice little life in my face; his married life with a child and working for my dad, adding salt to an open wound he didn't need to know about.

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