When Worlds Collide

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Four Years Later:

"Alright, everyone. Before we get started, I just want to say that we should approach this situation rationally and act like adults. Remember to keep the kids in mind because-"

"Hold up, hold up, hold the hell up. Back the car up and put it in park. I know you didn't just say 'kids'."

"Yes, Kyra. I said 'kids'."

"Well, your wife must be a freak in the sheets and a hoe in the streets. Did you know she was having children behind your back? Also, why do Tripp and I have to be involved with your love issues? As an 'adult', you must know that this is between you...and your dumpster fire. Okay? Alright, we're leaving now."

"How do your words make sense? Why would Journee and I have a seven-year old if we weren't together during that time he was conceived? This is all about Noah."

"Which is why I said 'hoe in the streets'. You're a trooper for marrying her because some people have a hard time dating sex workers."

"We have nothing to prove to you. We're really here to just talk to Tripp about Noah so if you could keep your lips shut, like the good little girl you are, that would be lovely."

A shocking silence falls between the two couples after Davin's slick comments about Kyra. Each couple looks to their beloved partners with questionable looks on their faces. In fact, Tripp and Kyra have one question on their minds.

"Who the hell is Noah?" Kyra calls out in confusion.

Journee was not ready. Had Davin not pleaded for this meeting nor spoiled her this past weekend, she would not be sitting across the table from her baby daddy. She'd be at home, taking a lovely bubble bath with her husband.

Sure, she has the option to just get up and leave. In fact, she would've just left the whole situation alone if it were her choice. Journee's happy with the life she has now. She was comfortable with Tripp not knowing.

But Noah and Davin weren't.

As Kyra throws herself back into her chair, dramatically, Trip lifts his eyes to see Journee with her left hand holding her forehead in stress. He could feel her attempting to hold up that wall again; that wall he had once shattered just to have her heart.

He knows she feels embarrassed and disrespected. Who wouldn't feel that way when they're sitting in front of the one person that broke their heart? She's definitely pissed off and he knows it. There's no getting out of this one.

"Sweetheart, do you feel comfortable talking about it? If not, I got you, babe," Davin asks while holding Journee's right hand close to him. Tripp's eyes follow their every movie, especially the man he 'didn't have to worry about'.

Journee sits up and rolls her eyes.

Fuck it. He's gotta know some day. Why not now?

"Noah's your child, Tripp."

Tripp's eyes widen, stretch like mad when he hears those words and that disappointed tone in her voice. He couldn't believe the words that have come out of her mouth.

"Bitch, you lying like you about to die. That's not his kid."

"Kyra, don't start with me-"

"In the case of 7-year-old Noah, Tripp, you are NOT the father. We're not playing Maury up in here, okay? Don't push that child on my man."

"Tripp, get your bitch-"

"IF you wanted Tripp back, all you had to do was say so. Not that you'd ever get that chance again but pinning a child on him is not the way to get him back, sis. I'll give you an A for effort though."

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