Chapter 37

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"Alright, alright, alright, y'all

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"Alright, alright, alright, y'all. Y'all know what time of the year it is. We got the Summer Bash at the pier today and y'all know what the vibe is."

Ryker is hyping all of us up and Isaiah's going along with it. I'm too busy daydreaming about my time with Journee. I just got back from that and I'm still over the moon about it. She's stuck on my mind like super glue. Nothing, in my life, can compare to this feeling I have right now.

"Well, Cam don't know because he's too busy deep down in that-"

"Say something else about my girl, Isaiah! Say something else! Don't play with me, bro. You harboring so much anger, from your last relationship, that you want to ruin everybody else's. Chill with that shit."

Cam calls Isaiah out on his relationship with Patrice and Isaiah was not ready for that card.

Patrice was that light-skinned it girl with the short light brown hair and gray eyes. Much like Kyra, everybody wanted Patrice back in high school but she outshined Kyra. She was the one girl all the football players dated and had sex with in the locker rooms. She was comfortable with this lifestyle but everybody else didn't take her seriously around junior year.

In comes Isaiah, drooling over her and everybody's warning him about her. He tries to holler but she's still getting it in with guys from the chess club.

Isaiah spent a whole year asking for Patty's heart but she wasn't going for it since she liked being with multiple men.

After we graduated, Patty went to the same college as us and finally dated Isaiah all four years of college. Unfortunately, she went back to her old high school ways and messed around with the frat boys.

Isaiah's been pissed off ever since and hasn't even looked at another woman like that. All he sees now is ass and titties to try so hard not to look like a simp. He's manipulated and degraded women like they have no feelings and he doesn't care.

Puts more meaning into the saying 'hurt people hurt people and they don't know why'.

"Don't do that, Cam. This ain't about me. This is about your dumb ass! We told you not to fall in the pussy. You stick it in and call it quits but you do the complete opposite. How long have we been bros, man? We made a pact to stay together as a group and you wanna break it."

Did we really do that, Isaiah? If we did, we're all screwed. We're grown and got lives now.

Cam told me about his plans to move to Kentucky. He even asked me if it was a good idea.

Hell, if he really wants Cassidy like that, let him follow her to Kentucky and live his life.

Now, he's moving in three weeks and, when the guys found out about it, they were pissed off. It ain't their life though so why does it matter so much to them?

Now we know why it matters so much. Ryker and Isaiah went through some bullshit.

"Plus, what if you go up there and she dumps your ass? What you gonna do then? Because the rest of us ain't saving you. Here you go, chasing the cat, thinking on some happy ever after shit. Then you get your heart broke. At least, Lover Boy over here ain't that stupid." Ryker rants.

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