Epilogue (Part Two)

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Three Years Later:

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Three Years Later:

Here we go again.

Still shady over this little beach fling with that boy? Really pressed over me? If Kyra don't enjoy that man and leave me the hell alone...

Rolling my eyes at the breakroom television screen, I walk back to my office and dust myself off as if I were ridding myself of that dusty ass nigga.

Hell yeah, I'm still pissed off. When your ex's girl is still all up your ass over some little two-week fun with her man, wouldn't you be mad too? I don't even be doing nothing to her but she has every right to harass me almost every week, keeping tabs on me through her team? It's stupid.

Nah, I'm not pissed off. I'm just bothered and it's not just because of that. The fact that my feelings were real and went along with this shit, thinking it'd work out for the both of us. This amongst other things...

That shit bothers me because it's like my feelings were just thrown in the trash.

Like, look who the clown turned out to be? How you come off as the sweetest man then act just like your fake, toxic ass friends? Just be talking to talk and shit.

Angie told me to keep that fling shit in Florida and I thought it'd be cool to take it with me, only for it to slip through my fingers. Shockingly, that ain't the only thing that I brought with me from that place.

Niggas really ain't shit. I don't have time to be bothered and pressed over this shit anymore. I got more important things to worry about. I have no reason to talk to him anymore. Since he determined where we stood, I accepted it and moved on.

But it's nice to know how his little girl really feels about me. It's cute.

"Hey, Journee. You have a visitor. Would you like for me to send them up to you?" the receptionist announces through speaker and catches my attention.

I need to fix my attitude before anybody shows up in my office. It could be the executives, Angie or the whole HR team, Cass, or even Davin.

"Yeah, go ahead and send them up."

I had two minutes to fix my poor ass attitude and get on my professional shit. Think about everything I'm grateful for and what makes me happy. That situation didn't deserve my energy.

A quick knock and open door later, Davin steps in with flowers and a restaurant bag in his hand. Looking all tall and sexy in his dark chocolate skin, he smiles at me and says "Stopped by your favorite place near downtown. You got time to have lunch together?"

"I can make the time. How you just show up at my job for lunch and bring all the things I've been craving for?" I chuckle with Davin as he sets up for lunch in the office.

Studying Davin as he passed me a slick smile, I think about the day we start talking to each other again: Dad's celebratory dinner three years ago.

Dad knew exactly what he was doing when he invited me there. At first, I felt like I didn't need to be there but he needed to hear how I felt about his attempt to 'fix' my love life.

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