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Jacob's POV

After my talk with Sunwoo I went back into my room to see Kevin talking to my friends.

"Well Kevin I think it's time for you to leave" I said to him "yeah I was just about to leave" he said with a smile.

"Ok see you around I guess" he said. When he said that he teleported and he turned into a flower outside of my window.

Kevin's POV

When Jacob said it was time for me to leave I changed into a peony so I could leave faster cuz it was kinda of awkward in there.

When I got back to the border of my land I seen my friends walking up to it so I was assuming they were coming to my house.

I waited for them to get there so they could walk with me back home. "Did you walk outside of your border??" Chanhee asked "what noo" I answered

"Mmm I think you did" changmin said "ok fine I did" I said "yeah we know we can tell" sangyeon said "and you meet your soulmate dang" Sangyeon added to his sentence

"How did you know?!?!" I said kinda of surprised "cuz of you eyes dude" eric said "what???" I said as I ran to my mirror to look at my eyes. I looked and they were a yellow-ish brown.

"Your eyes turn that color when you meet your soulmate" changmin said "you didn't know??" He added "no I didn't" I said

"So how did you meet him/her??" Chanhee asked "you see that's a funny story" so I told them how Jacob picked me when I turned into a flower and how I was in his room and stuff.

"Yeah then his friends came over to his house and I talked to them then I left yeah that's it" I said

"Is he cute??" Haknyeon said "very" I said. They all stared squeal "I hope my soulmate is a boy" haknyeon said they all agreed to what he said

"You guys wanna go adventure??" I asked "yes let's go" "is that even a question" "of course let's go" "for sure come on"

386 words

The next chapter is gonna be kinda long so I'll write it tonight and post it tomorrow:) hope y'all are liking it so far😁

Forbidden love~ | | moonbae ffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя