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Jacob's POV

I came back from the shower without my shirt on cause it's my room duh. And I looked at that one flower again and really looks a human being. I don't know what it is.

I then took it out of the vase I put it in and looked at it a little bit then it started glowing. My heart started beating really fast for some reason. I decided to not worry about it and called sunwoo younghoon hyunjae and juyeon over to hang out.

Like 20 minutes later someone knocked on the door. I went to answer it and saw my friends. "Hey what's up guys" "Hey man" "what's up" "sup". I looked at them for a few seconds. "Come to my room let's play cod" "ooo yeah bet" "yessir" "let's get it"

Went we got up there we saw a random guy and went we saw him we all screamed including him...

Kevin's POV

I was trying to figure out how to turn back into a human and crawl out the window before minter manz came back to his room because I heard him call his to come over. Well I figured it out. But at the wrong time cause when I did they came into the room.

When they seen me and screamed and as well as me. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?" They guy the brought me here said "listen I was just trying to leave" "that's not what I asked, who are you?" "Look my names Kevin and you brought me here on your own sir"

"I didn't bring you here??" He said really confused "yes you did" I said shaking my head with my eyes closed "I didn't tho??" "You did I was one of those flowers" I said really calm "what!! Your not a fairy you can't be here" "mmm and nether can they"

"Ok fair enough, but question?" "Yes?" "What are you?? Cause I can't really tell" "I'm a nymphs" "excuse me a what??" One of the guys behind the other guy said "a nymphs?" "What is that?" Another guy said

"It's basically someone who can turn into like plants or like blind in with them and there different types of them like the underwater ones the plant ones or the wood/forest ones" "I'm the wood/forest/plant one if you couldn't tell" I explained to them.

"So that why the one flower looked weird??" The guy said

426 words

Probably one of my favorite ones I've written so far:)

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