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Jacob's POV

I was outside thinking of what I should do today when I suddenly saw these beautiful flowers. They where pink and purple with a little bit of blue and light green.

I looked at them and one of them look weirdly human for some reason? I didn't really think anything of it and I picked a few and went back to my house.

I got home and I put them in a vase in my room. I went to take a shower because I was sweaty and sticky from being outside to long.

Kevin's POV

I went to the border of my territory and I think the fairy territory. But when I got there I saw these beautiful flowers they where pink and purple with blue and like light green they were really pretty so I stared at them for a few seconds.

And suddenly I started to feel weird and my body started tingling and I got light headed and my heart started beating really fast. And all of sudden I turned into one of the flowers...

Then a few minutes later I seen this really cute guy like he looked like a goddess. Then I noticed his wings there are very pretty. *so it was fairy territory?* *He's really cute wth* he then came over to me and picked me.

He carried me to what looks like his house I'm guessing. He then proceeds to take me in his room and put me on a vase. Then went to take a shower like the audacity. Then he came out of the bathroom...

281 Words

I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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