Jongho and San glance around nervously and keep looking over at Hongjoong, but Hongjoong doesn't look away even once. "They're way smarter than anyone I've ever met though," Seonghwa whispers.

Suddenly, the two boys turn away and start walking in the opposite direction. Hongjoong's eyes widen and he stumbles towards the boys while shouting, "Excuse me!" To his luck, San slowly turns around. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry if my friend and I scared you! My name is Kim Hongjoong and I was wondering if you both could help us study? We're from your class and are about to fail the exams and need urgent help," he blurts out.

Seonghwa lets out a long exhale from behind and hesitates before also running out. "I'm Park Seonghwa! Please help us."

Jongho raises an eyebrow. "I don't remember seeing you in any class? Not even the compulsory ones..." he utters. "That's because we always sit at back corner of the room. I always see you both sitting at the front so maybe that's why you never see us," Seonghwa blurts. He feels his skin crawl by how him and Hongjoong are acting right now. So desperate.

After hearing this, both of the friends' faces visibly relax. "That makes sense! Why don't we study together in the library then?" Jongho smiles. Hongjoong and Seonghwa also calm down in victory. From now on, they can easily take the two students into their grasp.

"So I heard you both have a keen interest in research?" Hongjoong brings up. The way both of their faces light up answers his question. "Yes! We can't wait to get our degree and research more with more resources. We're thinking of getting a PhD after this degree. Our dream is to discover a new medicine or cure for a major disease," San explains with Jongho nodding along.

"Seonghwa and I were actually carrying out laboratory research at our house too! Would you guys be willing to help us?" Hongjoong tries. "Is it legal for students to have their own lab like that? We haven't even graduated yet," San asks with a concerned voice.

"Why are you being so uptight? Why does it even matter if it's legal or not, it's all in the name of science anyway..."

Seonghwa giggles a little before coughing to cover it up. He knew Hongjoong's acting was questionable to say the least, but he didn't think it was this bad.

To the men's relief, the students agree to visit their mansion. As they're walking to the car, Hongjoong nudges Seonghwa. The other man nods and pulls out his phone, texting Yeosang to stay out of sight and to not come out again until he is told to.

Seonghwa drives the four of them back to the mansion and holds back giggles as the students gawk at the interior out of wonder. While Hongjoong is explaining things to them, that's when everything suddenly feels so real.

This childhood dream that his best friend has been so keen on is slowly coming true. Despite having laughed in Hongjoong's face not long ago, Seonghwa feels impressed. The dream seemed overly ambitious, but now that he has these two genius scientists in front of him, maybe there's a chance after all.

And he's willing to give every bit of his support to his friend for it.

Him and Hongjoong laugh at the students' faces when they express their concerns about the law in a mocking manner, and then the boys turn and whisper among themselves.

"Do you think they'll accept the offer? If I were them, I probably wouldn't," Seonghwa whispers to Hongjoong. "Don't worry, they'll accept it for sure. I have a feeling that they are not the brightest when it comes to common sense," he chuckles lightly. Seonghwa smirks a bit before letting his mouth set back into a straight line when the boys turn back.

Relief washes over him when the boys agree to the plan and Seonghwa drives them home. When he returns to the mansion, he walks into the living room to Hongjoong and Yeosang sipping tea while watching tv.

Something about the scene in front of him feels so familial. His younger self would never believe that he'd make a new family with people like this. He flinches slightly at the memory of his parents' death, and then his aunt's and uncle's. He was unable to protect his previous family. But this family that's sitting in front of him is one he'll protect with his life.

"You guys are so invested in the TV that you didn't even notice me?" Seonghwa utters with a smirk at the door. Both Hongjoong and Yeosang's eyes shoot towards Seonghwa and Hongjoong jumps up. "You're here! Let's get started then," he utters.

Hongjoong chugs the rest of his tea down in one gulp before marching out of the room, leaving Yeosang astonished beside him with widened eyes. Seonghwa and Yeosang share concerned glances with each other before they burst out laughing. "His throat must be completely burned and he won't even admit it," Yeosang shakes his head while continuing to sip on his own tea.

"Why aren't you guys coming?" Hongjoong's voice faintly comes from far down the hallway.

The two men laugh a little more before following their leader. He stands in front of the room where Harin is being held and the hairs on Yeosang's neck stand. "What are you going to do with her?" he asks worriedly.

"We won't do anything. But those students will! Yeosang, tell me some nice poisons that can cause instant death when injected," Hongjoong asks. Yeosang's eyes widen, and puzzle pieces start to click together in his head.

He gulps. "I guess anything we have already can be poisonous at an extremely high dose, but other than that we could also order some-"

Yeosang is cut off when Hongjoong yawns loudly. "Never mind, it's not like I'd recognise these names anyway. Just make a list of the supplies you need and I'll get them. Prepare two injections, each with a different poison," he orders.

"And Hwa- move Harin to a different room. We'll bring her back when the boys are here tomorrow, dump her somewhere else for now."

Both Seonghwa and Yeosang nod firmly before getting to work. They enter the tiny room and while Yeosang searches through his small stash of medical equipment, Seonghwa stands in front of the unconscious body of the girl. He feels many emotions, but the most prominent one is his urge to strangle her to death.

He shakes his head to himself before scooping her up roughly. He exits the room and drags her IV stand with him. He doesn't know why, but anger surges through him even though she isn't even awake.

He roughly throws her body onto a bed in a random room and stares at her some more. It won't be long until she's gone at last.

With one last huff, he storms back out the room, leaving the girl to awkwardly lay there.

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