A sudden accident

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(A) damn this snow really hasn't cleared up

(B) it's Philadelphia what do you expect

(A) I'd expect warmer weather

(B) we get that possibly at the end of this month

(A) I hope so

(B) do you ever think jēvon and I would get married?

(A) well that could happen, you've been with him for as long as Tysons been with me since we all started relationships around the same time but I think you two would be great husbands

(B) thanks sis

*car sliding across the road*

(A) Brandon look out!

(B) *slamming breaks turning steering wheel*

(A) *smacks head against window*

(B) Abigail!

*car smashing into right side of Brandon's car*

(B) *hits head against steering weel*

(A) *unconscious*

(R) *calling Abigail*

(J) what are you doing?

(R) trying to call my sister they were supposed to be here by now

*ambulance racing by*

(J) their must be an accident up close

(R) let's go check it out *running with jevon*

(Emt) *pulling Brandon out of car*

(J) oh no

(R) Brandon! Abigail!

(Emt) theirs a female in the car we can't seem to get the other car unstuck she's being squished against the door

(R) *running up to car* Abigail!

(Emt) sir you can't come any closer

(R) that's my sister I need to help her please

(Emt) paramedics are doing their job sir you need to step back

(R) I can't I need to help her I can't leave her like this

(Emt) will get her out you need to get back behind the tape

(J) Rick will meet them at the hospital you need to stay with Brandon

(R) I can't leave Abigail she's being crushed by the car I can't leave my sister alone like this

(J) Brandon can't be alone either she's in good hands right now

(R) you go with Brandon text me the address of the hospital, he's your boyfriend you should be with him

(Emt) we got her help pull her out

(R) Abigail!

(Emt) common kid a little help

(R) *pulling Abigail out of car* we got you sis hang in there

(Emt) *setting Abigail on stretcher* we need to get them to the hospital now

(R) *getting in emt with paramedics* were right here Abigail please wake up

(J) I got you be *holding Brandon's hand* I won't leave you

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