Junior year

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(A) common let’s go guys

(F) your the one rushing, why do you have so much energy?

(J) maybe it was all that sugar

(A) or excited to start junior year

(E) aren't we all we have one year left before graduation

(S) let's have fun this year guys make even more memories

(A) they are right

(T) hey Abigail

(A) hey Tyson, where's Dyonte?

(T) he was already gone when I got up so I don't exactly know he won't pick up either

(S) relax Abby your man will show up later

(A) class starts in twenty minutes so I guess we do have some time

(T) we have first together I can walk with you

(A) sounds good

(J) holy smokes that chick is hot

(G) who you checking out this time?

(J) wait oh shit!

(A) what is it? *turning around*

(D) *walking with Zaida*

(T) *covers Abigails head with hoodie*

(A) ty what is going on?

(T) *looking over at dyonte* jest a wasp flying around

(A) oh fuck no *tripping on bag*

(T) Abigail

(A) *looking over at dyonte*

(D) hey babe what are you doing on the ground?

(A) Tyson said their was a wasp flying around so he covered my head

(D) well I don't see a wasp around so it must have flown away *helping Abigail up*

(A) where were you? Ty said you got up early before he did

(D) I needed to go run some errands before school

(T) what errands were those?

(D) I forgot to get some stuff in my back to school supplies after all I'm a senior and they expect so much from me

(J) hey we got class to get to

(G) hey Zaida

(A) zaida?

(T) common Abigail let's head to first

(A) alright coming *walking with Tyson*

(D) what's everyone stairing at me for?

(G) you tell her before she hears it from us

(J) we saw you and zaida so you better tell Abigail before she hears it from her best friend your younger brother

(D) so what theirs nothing to tell

(Z) you coming baby

(J) don't lie to us now you better tell her or we tell Brandon

(D) Brandon ain't gonna do shit

(G) knowing Rick and Brandon yes they definitely will

(A) thanks for covering me from the wasp since you knew how badly allergic i am of those things

(T) no problem

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