Hanging out in her car

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(T) Abigail where you headed?

(A) my car wanna come?

(T) sure *walking downstairs with Abigail* did you hear about jēvon's party?

(A) no I didn't know he was throwing one

(T) it's going to be at our place since my parents let them do it as long as they clean up after themselves

(A) after all dyonte did break the back window with the porch swing and your parents were pissed

(T) yeah that's when the grounded him for a month until he could pay for a new window

(A) yeah I remember that

(T) so what are you going to dress up in for this party?

(A) probably a dress that isn't to revealing

(T) yeah that would work since dyonte doesn't like guys flirting with you

(A) well I am his girlfriend so it makes sense on why he wouldn't but I heard giovante say hey Zaida earlier I jest never questioned Dyonte about it

(T) maybe she was walking over whenever dyonte went to see you

(A) his ex girlfriend walking up to us that girl wants nothing to do with me just like I want nothing to do with her

(T) so what are you jealous that his ex was walking over to us?

(A) I jest didn't wanna be the type of girlfriend to always be the jealous one even if Dyonte gets jealous over everything and anyone I hangout with

(T) that's cuz he's a guy and guys worry about their girls it's not like dyonte would do anything to hurt you

(A) yeah your right I doubt he'd do anything to hurt me

(T) well the party is this Friday since it's the first week back to school

(A) technically it's tomorrow because the school chose to start it on a Thursday

(T) yeah odd thing for them to do

(A) am I a good girlfriend to dyonte?

(T) of course you are, you do anything for him you stuck up for him when our world went through the black lives matters protests and our family loved you for that since not all of us African Americans get treated right so we're happy to have you

(A) even if I'm white and my boyfriend is African American

(T) yeah but our family loves you and treats you like family just like we treat your brother's like family as well

(A) since we are the ones with no parents

(T) your still the bestie I'll always take care of

(D) *calling Abigail*

(A) hey

(D) hey where are you? I didn't see you in the halls

(A) I'm in car

(T) who's that?

(A) your brother

(D) Tysons with you?

(A) yeah we have free period after all so we were chilling in my car

(D) aight I'm gonna head to my class before I'm late

(A) alright talk later

(D) bye *hangs up call*

(T) well he was pretty quick to hang that one up

(A) yeah he usually says I love you and stuff before hanging up but he hasn't said any of that in awhile

(T) the suspicions start now

(A) *laughing* yeah I guess they do

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