Shall we? (2/2)

376 14 11

Luz P.O.V.

There was suddenly a silence over the room. I couldn't say who my ideal partner was. That would get me into a situation where people would get hurt. And I couldn't stand that.

"Um, well," Amity stuttered. "If you guys don't know by now, I'm not doing a very good job." She laughed. As much as that sound made me happy, in this instance, it just made me a bit sad.

Of course I knew who she wanted as a partner. I'm oblivious, but not THAT oblivious.

"I-I don't really know," I laughed nervously. "I haven't really thought about dating people when I'm so involved in getting back to my realm."

"Oh, come on!" Boscha grinned. "You know you have! Just spill it! We're all friends here!"

Well I definitely want that to change.

"Really," I lied. "I don't know."

"Luz, you can tell us anything," Willow pressed me. "You know that right?"

"Yeah, I do," I nodded. "But there's nothing to tell."

I saw Skara go to object, but before she could even get a word in, Amity spoke.

"Guys, if she doesn't know, she doesn't know," Amity sounded a bit defeated. "Don't need to keep asking."

"Thank you," I whispered in her ear. I felt her shiver in my arms. She just nodded.

"Okay!" Skara shifted excitedly. "Next question!"

The game went on like this for a while before we switched people, and now we were asking Boscha and Willow super personal questions. And after a couple hours of non-stop talking, we all made our way downstairs to see what we were going to eat.

Eda was just sitting on the couch, flipping through a really old magazine from the human realm.

"Hey, Eda!" I got her attention. "What are we eating?"

"I dunno," Eda shrugged. "You're the one planning this whole thing."

"Well yeah, but I told you that you needed to figure out dinner for me," I reminded her. "Remember that?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Eda grinned and nodded. "I didn't do that."

I facepalmed and groaned. "Well then guys, we're probably gonna have to send people to town to get takeout,"

"There's this really good restaurant pretty close to the library that does takeout," Amity said with a shrug. "I have a picture of the menu on my scroll."

"Oh! You mean The Boiling Rooftop?" Willow asked.

"Yeah!" Amity nodded and summoned her scroll. "I went there with Ed and Em a few weeks ago."

"I've heard really good things about that place," Boscha nodded.

"Do they have anything vegetarian?" Skara spoke quietly, as if she was afraid to speak up.

"Yeah yeah," Amity waved a hand in dissmissal since she was in the middle of putting in her order. "Don't worry about it."

Scrolls and the lingo that goes along with them are still a mystery to me. Amity has tried to explain to me, but it doesn't help that she has no human terms to compare things to. But, from my understanding, what Amity was doing at the moment was just like ordering food on an app for a restaurant, and we would have to go pick it up.

"Okay Luz, here," Amity handed me her scroll.

I felt myself blush as I stuttered out, "Um, I- uh, don't know how to work this," I chuckled a bit.

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