Sleepover, but without the sleep

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(Inspired by a comic by moringmark on instagram; requested by Flameriser18)

Third Person P.O.V.

Luz and Amity have been dating for a couple of weeks now, but they haven't been able to spend very much time together since school started to get more involved for both girls. So, when Luz invited Amity over for a sleepover at the Owl House, she couldn't have been more excited.

Luz being Luz, she planned out a bunch of fun things for the new girlfriends to do, including movies, snacks, games, and other fun activities. The last thing that she wanted was her cotton candy haired goddess to be bored.

Amity, on the other hand, was gay panicking. No matter how many times she and Luz had held hands, cuddled up together, and kissed lovingly on the cheek, she couldn't shake the nerves that accompanied being near the human. So instead of focusing on the nerves, she put all her focus into packing everything she would need for a stay at the Owl House.

When the Friday of their sleepover rolled around, Luz and Amity were both too excited to pay much attention at school. While the professors droned on, they had their eyes trained on the clock, waiting for the final bell to scream. And when it finally did, Amity jumped out of her chair and ran to her locker to get her things together before meeting Luz on the front steps of Hexide.

"Luz!" Amity waved as she exited the front doors.

"Amity!" Luz ran up to her girlfriend and engulfed her in a hug. "You ready to have the best sleepover ever?"

"Absolutely!" Amity smiled brightly and held out her hand for Luz to take, and she gladly accepted it.

"I have so many fun things planned for us!" Luz skipped and swung their hands back and forth.

"Like what?" Amity asked.

"Well, I got some movies downloaded on my phone, some games, including some from the human realm, and of course, a bunch of snacks!" Luz rattled off.

"Sounds like it's going to be fun," Amity leaned over and gave Luz a peck on the cheek.

Luz blushed lightly. She still couldn't believe that this was the same Amity that screamed, "I want my badge" when she first went to Hexide. It amazed her how much she really had changed for the better.

As the couple was walking to the Owl House, they abruptly stopped when they heard noises in the woods off to their right. It wasn't normal for there to be creatures out around here. The only ones Luz knew of were deep in the dark parts of the orange pines.

"Uhh, Amity?" Luz asked after they stopped. "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah," Amity squinted her eyes at the underbrush, hoping to see what caused the noise. "There aren't usually creatures around here, right?"

"No, not normally," Luz turned to face where the sound had come from and put her hand near where she kept her glyphs to be ready for a sudden attack. "I guess something could have wandered up from the forearm forest..."

Amity summoned a ball of fire to float above her hand and she sidestepped in front of Luz to shield her.

"Geez no need to bring out fire!" A witch with bright pink hair popped up from a bush, followed by a witch from the bard track.

"Boscha! What the- why?!" Amity's fire only grew larger at the sight of her former friend.

"Calm down, we were just passing through," Boscha scoffed and started to make her way out of the bush.

"I thought we were trying to ruin their sleepover thingy?" Skara innocently asked.

"HAHA SKARA YOU'RE SO FUNNY!" Boscha grabbed Skara by the arm and started to drag her away, but not before Luz could grip Boscha's hood and nearly choke her while also stopping her from leaving. "Hey! Get your filthy hands off me, round ears!"

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