Chapter Thirteen

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Gracie's head bounced off the headrest as Jordan drove like a maniac over a mountain trail. "Are you sure this surprise doesn't involve Trent?"

"Don't look so suspicious. In all the time you've known me have I ever lied to you?"

Gracie grabbed hold of the edge of the seat, bracing herself for another bone jarring jolt. "No," she muttered. "But I wouldn't put it past you to stretch the truth like a rubber band."

"I'm wounded."

"Yeah, right," Gracie snorted. "Not as wounded as my body. Your ranch has some amazing trails. Couldn't you have chosen another one?"

"This one will get you to your surprise the fastest. Hold on tight, Gracie girl. We've just about reached the end of this dip and then it's straight up."

Her body lurched to the left, straining against the seat belt. "Tell me again why I'm here and not enjoying the waffles your mom said she'd cook for me?"

"She offered to make both of us waffles. Just goes to show how much I enjoy your company when I'd give up Mom's breakfast for you."

"Or how much you're not telling me."

"That too." He grinned. "We'll be there soon."

Gracie glanced across the cab, trying to figure out why it had been so important for Jordan to drag her out of bed at the crack of dawn. For her last Saturday in Bozeman, she'd planned a quiet day of retail therapy, revisiting all her favorite stores.

Lumbering up the side of a mountain, even if it was an impressive mountain, wasn't part of her de-stress plan. In fact her stress levels had rocketed out of control when she realized where Jordan was taking her. All week she'd kept herself busy, ducking for cover whenever anyone mentioned Trent's name. Now here she was, sitting beside his brother and driving over his land as if nothing had happened.

Jordan hadn't been kidding when he said they'd be going straight up. Her body pressed into the seat as the truck lurched forward, taking them higher than she'd ever been. She peered over Jordan's shoulder and closed her eyes real fast. She couldn't see the edge of the trail. Fluffy white clouds wouldn't cushion their fall if he drove them off the side of the mountain. And she didn't like the grin stretched across his face either.

"Tell me you're not leaving me here to commune with nature."

Jordan glanced across the cab.

"Keep your eyes on the trail," she squealed. They ran over something hard and lumpy, throwing the front of the truck into the air. Gracie held her breath, waiting to see if they landed on the dirt track or halfway down the side of the mountain. The truck thumped to the ground.

Jordan hooted with laughter. "You've gone green, Gracie. I thought we might have roughed up those city slicker edges of yours by now."

"You'll get city slicker, Jordan McKenzie. If I'd known where you were taking me I never would have come."

"Why do you think I didn't tell you?" He rounded a bend and stopped the truck.

Gracie took a deep breath and unlocked her fingers from the edge of the seat. Daisy stood twenty feet away, saddled up and ready for a ride. Tears gathered in Gracie's eyes. "Maybe you're not so bad after all."

"Gee thanks. At least now you won't be tempted to rip me into shreds as soon as we leave the truck."

"You run too fast for me," Gracie joked. "This is really sweet. Thanks."

"Sweet my ass. We're here to move cattle. You're going to earn every last cramped muscle you'll have by the end of the day."

A huge grin spread across her face. A cattle drive. A real cattle drive. She'd finally be able to say that she'd qualified as a bonafide cowgirl. The smile on her face wobbled. "Your brother won't be happy when he finds out what we're doing."

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