Chapter Four

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Two days later, a horn honked from the driveway. Gracie ran out to meet the red sports coupe idling in the morning sunshine.

Karen grinned from behind the steering wheel. "Are you ready to give the stores in Bozeman an early wake-up call?"

"Ready and willing. I've got Trent's credit card burning a hole in my pocket, a spending limit of astronomical proportions, and a list a mile long of what we need." Gracie reached for her seat belt. "I've also been given strict instructions to keep you away from all jewelry stores."

Karen winked. "Sounds like Trent's been a busy boy."

"Don't get your hopes up." Gracie laughed. "This dance is an investment in his future. If he doesn't find a wife soon, he's going to drive me insane with his mumblings about dude ranches and phony cattle drives. Why did he ban jewelry stores from our shopping extravaganza?"

"Trent's trying to wean me off a harmless addiction to anything bright and glittery. There's a little store in Bozeman that calls to me in my sleep."

"Don't worry. You're in good hands with me. He doesn't know that I'm a bling girl from way back. If we stick together, he won't know what's hit him."

"Are you sure you don't want to skip the dance and become my daughter-in-law?"

"It wouldn't last." At least that's what Gracie told herself every time Trent sent her a melt-in-your-mouth smile. "We'd drive each other insane within a few months. Thanks for helping to organize everything."

"Send an S.O.S. out to me any day. Between you, me, and the girls, we've got every contingency covered."

'The girls' were an excited group of girlfriends and wives of the cowboys working on the ranch. A couple of Karen's friends had even pitched in to help. The day before they'd all met at the Triple L and settled in for a few hours of strategic planning, good company and Adele's chocolate chip cookies.

Karen and Gracie had been put in charge of the decorations. They planned on transforming the barn into a dance venue worthy of the best country club in Montana.

Gracie pulled a shopping list out of her bag. "Did the hire store get back to you about the tablecloths?"

"Thirty red and white checkered tablecloths will arrive in the next couple of days. Jake's happy for us to pick them up next week. And before you ask, all the fairy lights will be here on Tuesday."

Gracie put down the piece of paper, remembering another list that was never far from her mind. She'd managed to track down two J. Greens this week. One was Jenny Green, a fifty-two-year-old bookseller in Bozeman who'd been only too happy to talk about another J. Green—her daughter, Janice. Two down, eight left to find.

Karen might hold the key to one of the James Greens on her list. Gracie wasn't going to miss the opportunity to ask her about him. "I noticed the Green family has been invited to the dance. Have you known them long?"

Karen smiled. "I've known Kristina and Jim for half my life. Their sons went to school with Trent and Jordan. There were plenty of weekends when the boys helped with the hay baling and ate us out of house and home. One of their sons is working in Great Falls. Alex is following in Jim's footsteps, touring on the rodeo circuit. Did Trent mention they were coming?"

"No, I was trying to work out which guests are ranchers and who work in town." Gracie bit her lip, feeling a little guilty about stretching the truth.

Karen glanced across the car. "Remind me to introduce you to Kristina. Has Jordan booked a band for the dance?"

"He made a few phone calls last night and found a group he's happy with." Gracie picked up her barn dance list and ran her finger down the things that needed to be done. "Trent will email the invitations. All we have to do today is organize the tables and chairs and buy the decorations. I thought I'd hire a car after we're finished."

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