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The sun was setting when Minho was finally home. His shoulders relaxed and he breathed out in relief. He loved coming home. He loved the warm feeling the house seemed to naturally have, even if the windows stayed open and the cold wind came in. He sometimes thought of the first time he and Jisung entered the property. It was with an estate agent, when they were picking from about three other apartments to buy together. At that time, they were freshly graduated, with little money and only a bit of support from their parents. The house was cheap, just because of the bad location quite away from the centre of the city and because it was an old build. But, the two loved it. The house had a charm – a character – that they were attracted to.

"My love?" Minho called out, only getting silence as an answer. "Jisung?"

There has been worry squeezing his insides all day. He kept texting his friend Hyuk for updates and he only got short replies back that didn't really tell him anything. He came into the kitchen, thinking that Jisung might have made dinner for them, but he found it empty, except for some unwashed bowls and other dishes. So, he is home, Minho thought, maybe he is in the shower?

"Minho..." a whisper of his name echoed in his ears, entering his brain like a sticky liquid being poured in. The boy was sent into a state of panic, suddenly quickening his pace and running into their shared bedroom. His heart was hammering inside of his ribcage, when he barged into the dim room.

"Jisung, are you he-"

He froze.

"Shit, he is home already?"

His friend – Hyuk's – voice came from under the bedcovers, before his head popped out. His hair was a mess and he wasn't wearing any clothes from what Minho could tell. Jisung followed after him, spilling out curse words as he started to dress himself quickly, as if he was being timed. Both were sweaty and still out of breath, reddish marks all over their necks and collar bones.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Minho screamed in disbelief, his mind somehow not piecing together what was happening right in front of his eyes yet.

"H-Hyung," Jisung whined, coming up to him and holding his hand. "I am sorry, I – uhm – I thought you'd be gone for a few more hours."

"Minho, Minho..." the whisper came back, making him dizzy and nauseous as he pushed Jisung and Hyuk away when they both tried to grab him to console him. He couldn't even look at them, look at the mess they have created on each other's skin that reminded him too much of what he liked to do to Jisung. He thought he was going to throw up and explode in pure anger.

"Is that an excuse?!" Minho screamed like a madman at what Jisung previously told him. "After all I have done for you?! After all that happened? Is this your way of paying me back the countless fucking nights I have spent crying because of you? Is this you saying thank you to me for staying by your side through all the shit you've been putting me through? Really, Jisung?!"

"That's right, Minho..." the whisper praised in a taunting tone. "That is how I want it."

"Shut the fuck up!" Minho hit his head against the wall. There were distant screams and whistles so loud that it deafened him from any other sounds. He was being touched by someone, he saw Jisung telling him something, but he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't answer, he couldn't hear or move. He thought he was dying, his vision turning bright red, before it coloured pitch black.


The silence was blissful. Though he was hurting all over, he was at peace, lying in darkness that had no end and no start. He thought he could just snap and it would all be gone, just like turning on a lamp in a dark room. He soon realized it was more like being submerged in a thick sea, but instead of water it was gasoline. It was filling him up completely, not letting him move, but, he was still peaceful.

"Hyung, can you hear me?" a muffled voice came from somewhere above him. He recognized it, but he didn't know who it belonged to. "Hyung, please wake up. I am worried."

Minho sat up, eyes opening wide, like something pulled him out of the sea. Intense light attacked his vision and he had to blink countless times to actually see shapes and see the face that was studying him from up close.

"Seungmin..." he whispered and his friend's worried face changed into a relieved one. "Where am I?"

"Lay back down first," Seungmin ordered, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him back on the bed. "You're in the hospital. Hyuk and Jisung brought you here...they said you suddenly started screaming and then passed out...you also hit your head pretty hard while falling."

Minho frowned. "Jisung...Where is he?"

"He was hungry and we stayed up pretty late, so he went to buy some snacks and coffee. Don't worry, he will be back soon-"

"I don't want to see him, go tell him to leave," Minho spat out, like the words were poisonous.

Seungmin's eyes widened in shock. "What do mean? Did you two fight?"

The other didn't have time to respond as someone walked into the room. Both of them watched as Jisung came in with a small smile on his face, holding up a bag full of snacks.

"Hyung, you're awake already!" he exclaimed, happily running to his bed. "I was worried when you fainted out of nowhere like that."

"Go away," Minho whispered, turning away.

"What? Why?" Jisung asked, his smile disappearing. "What happened?"

Minho lost it. How dare he pretend nothing happened? "Don't play saint!" he screamed. "We both know what you did and I will never forgive you for that. I really thought we were in love, but you went ahead and ruined it. You made me worry all those weeks, you made me take care of you and I all I get back is you betraying me? You clearly don't care about me or my feelings, so get the fuck out before I make you!"

Jisung's grip on the beverage and food he held loosened – everything fell to the ground, the coffee spilling around him. "D-Did I do something wrong?" he asked, the innocence on his face only infuriating Minho more.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He stood up, shaking away the dizziness coming over his whole body and he approached Jisung, pushing him away. There were tears forming in his eyes and the sight of Jisung was only making it worse. "Get. Out. I am not saying it again."

The boy looked absolutely terrified and confused, but Minho stood his ground, both hands balled in fists. It took all of his self-control to not punch that beautiful person in front of him he still loved so much, despite what he had seen happen.

Jisung nodded very slowly, as though he was scared to make any movement and then, he left the hospital room, closing the door behind himself with a loud bang. As Minho lost the sight of him, he went back to his bed, basically collapsing on it.

"Are you..." Seungmin started, very obviously being scared to do so. "Are you sure you didn't just misunderstand?"

"They were both naked, Seungmin," Minho said, his voice very calm in contrast with the screams he let out just seconds before. "They were naked in a bed together, both covered in hickeys like they played fucking ping-pong against their necks."

His friend looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Jisung...didn't have any hickeys. Neither did Hyuk when I saw him."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well," Seungmin sighed. "I watched Jisung cry over your hospital bed for four hours. His hands were shaking so much that he had spilled his water and couldn't manage to change his shirt, so I helped him. I can confirm to you, hyung...He did not have a single hickey anywhere."

"He was...crying?" Minho asked, processing what his friend just told him.

"You looked like you were dying, yeah," Seungmin chuckled, taking out his phone after he heard a buzz coming from it. As he did so and saw a message from his girlfriend saying "I  am so tired, I think I am having hallucinations lol", it hit him.

"Minho..." he whispered. "The monster..."

"Seungmin, don't start that conversation, I can't-"

"You don't get it?! It's the monster! It wanted you to hate Jisung!"


double update <3

- Sani

Monster under my bed ☆ Minsung ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin