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Minho was a light sleeper. Sometimes, all it took was a slight blow of wind to wake him up even at the dead of the night when the sleep is the deepest. So, when something shifted at the other side of the bed, his eyes shot open, gliding over the room in confusion. It was still dark out, but the sky was slowly starting to change into a soft peach colour where the sun would soon rise.

He turned around in the bed to face where Jisung was supposed to be. He flinched as instead of his boyfriend sleeping, he saw him sit at the edge of the bed, not facing him. He was wearing Minho's shirt he grabbed after they finished their fun and he seemed to be weirdly turning his head from one side to the other.

Minho felt chills run all over his body. "My love?" he called out with a soft, but still slightly raspy voice, reaching to stroke Jisung's back, finding out he was completely drenched in sweat. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?"

Jisung slowly turned his head, his eyes glittering like diamonds. He looked furious, wearing a frown and his eyebrows were furrowed. Minho never saw him this angry.

"Tell me what's wrong..." he continued to talk to him, scooting himself closer. He thought Jisung might have had a terrible nightmare that left him traumatized, or he simply felt too sick. Only then, he noticed black stains all over the boy's hands. It was like he submerged them fully into gasoline, the liquid dripping on the floor.

He let out a loud annoyed huff through his nose. Minho couldn't have time to react, when Jisung jumped at him while screaming his lungs out, the sound being unnaturally high. He put his hands on Minho's throat and squeezed it like it was a thin branch and nothing more.

Minho could only let out choked sounds of disbelief and words that could have resembled Jisung's name. His eyes were wide, staring back at his boyfriend in only shock. His face was getting red and purple as he felt the air leave his lungs. He could hear his own heart beat bumping violently against his ribcage, fighting for its life.

"J-Jisung," Minho spoke, the grip on his throat getting stronger each second. "It's me....It's me."

He knew whatever was doing that to him at that moment, it wasn't Jisung. There was something so demonic in his eyes, something like bloodthirst and a want to kill, which simply couldn't have been the boy he knew for years.

Once he saw hesitation flash though "Jisung's" eyes, he tried his best to speak again: "It's me, baby. I-I love you. I love you."

Jisung was struggling, his grip loosening. Conflict, confusion and fear were fighting for dominance in his expression and they were all somehow winning at the same time. The boy screamed again, before throwing himself off of Minho, falling to the hard floor. He started shaking violently, closing in on himself.

"Love!" Minho coughed as he threw himself next to Jisung and tried to cradle him into his embrace. He stroked his back and head, kissed his forehead – did everything to calm him down.

"I am so sorry! I don't know what happened...I am...I am so sorry, hyung!" Jisung started to sob, hugging back.

"It's okay, it's okay," Minho whispered. His throat was very irritated, making him cough ever so often. "I am not mad. I am okay."

Jisung pushed away harshly, standing up. "It's not okay! I hurt you...I almost killed you. I knew my discharge wasn't a good idea, he said..."

Minho stood up too. "What did you just say?"

"Nothing," Jisung muttered, looking down at his dirty hands. "I will clean up and go sleep on the couch for the rest of the night. S-Sorry."

He walked out of the room, leaving Minho alone and with his own thoughts.


Can it be Christmas already? I wanna get my albums lol

- Sani

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