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“He is obviously out of his mind,” Seungmin spoke, writing something down on his computer. A name tag with “Receptionist Kim Seungmin” written on it sat on his neat table and Minho took it to his hands as he leaned against the set of drawers full of documents of all the patients in the mental hospital.

“I just...” he sighed through his nose. “There is something about it...It doesn’t quite add up.”

“Don’t tell me you believe that psycho.” Seungmin’s eyes were filled with judgement as he stared at Minho through his brown bangs. Glasses with thick frame sat on his nose and he pushed it back once in a while when it slid down his bridge, always making sure to use his middle finger to do that action.

Minho hissed like he touched boiling water. “Imagine going through what he’s been through. If you call him a psycho ever again, I’ll make sure you live on the street by the next week.”

“Oh my god,” the receptionist gasped. “You still love him...even when he is like that.”

“Stop acting like he is someone else than who he used to be few months ago. Of course I love him, he is my boyfriend. I will come again tomorrow.”

Minho made sure to send a dirty look Seungmin’s way before he grabbed his coat and made his way out of the hospital. The streets became so empty and so dark ever since he was forced to walk them alone. Since it has been raining cats and dogs all day, the pavements were soaked in water. The puddles reflected the yellow lights from the street lamps, also reflecting the boy’s shadow.

His mind was a mess. He did defend Jisung in front of Seungmin, but he soon realized that that was just him trying to convince himself that the reality was the opposite of what it actually was. The boy that was basically bound to the bed was his boyfriend, yet he wasn’t at the same time.

He had his face, but his personality was gone. He was an empty vessel that resembled Jisung, but his memories, his usual thoughts and his laughter – it disappeared and was replaced by empty looks and voice that always seemed to be coated in darkness.

Walking into the cold apartment was like walking into a torture room. He broke down in tears and sobs, sliding down the door and sitting on the floor. Usually, when he came home like this, it would be late in the evening and he would come from work, welcomed by his boyfriend who always finished work two hours before he did. Thanks to that, Jisung had time to make something for dinner and they would eat together. The air would be filled with affection, laughter and their endless talking. The only thing in the air that moment was dust, since Minho never had the energy to clean anymore.

He wiped his cheeks to get rid of the tears tickling his skin, only to cry even more. He stood up only to get the vodka which was the only thing in the fridge at the moment. Why bother pouring it into a glass? He drank straight from the bottle, hissing at the burning sensation that it left in his throat once he swallowed.

Alcohol was like an escape. It faked the warmth Jisung’s closeness brought him and his mind would get filled with haze, pushing away all the depressive thoughts of what was happening and what might happen in the future.


A light whisper echoed in his ears, causing for his eyes to grow twice in size and he put down the bottle, looking around in panic.


Indeed, the voice sounded like him. It was soft and cheerful. But, it wasn’t an exact copy. It was like someone was doing a creepily good impression of his voice.

Look out of the window,” Jisung’s voice was heard again. It carried through the air like it was coming from a radio with bad signal. Minho ran to the closest window like a madman, seeing his lover stand on the other side of the street.

He had the same clothes on as he did on their first date, Minho remembered too well. A picture they took in the amusement park was framed on their bedside table and he looked at it every morning. He wore an elegant light blue shirt buttoned up all the way and black jeans which ripped between his legs only thirty minutes into the date. Minho had landed him his jacket, tying it up around his waist to hide the embarrassing hole. This Jisung which stood outside had it on too.

He had a calm expression on his face, almost inviting. He was smiling at Minho, looking right at him as though he expected to see him stand at the window.

“Jisung!” Minho exclaimed, not waiting even a second more to run out of the house to get his boyfriend. But, to his absolute shock, when he ran on the street, Jisung was nowhere to be seen. There was no sign he was ever there.


“Mister Lee, I am so sorry, but we have all the evidence proving that Han Jisung has never left his hospital room. There is CCTV and the nurses’ word,” the policeman spoke with a hint of sympathy in his voice, staring at Minho who was pacing around the office.

“But, I know what I saw!” he exclaimed, ruffling his hair in frustration. He kept repeating himself to every officer that was willing to listen, but each time, he was rejected and proven wrong.

The man sighed. “We searched the whole area and your house. The only suspicious thing we found was an almost empty bottle of vodka on your kitchen counter. Mister, I know this is hard. I heard what happened to your partner. That must have been a lot to handle. But, you can’t heal stress with alcohol. Go home and rest-“

“You don’t believe me?” Minho cut him off.

“You just told me your boyfriend who is heavily guarded in a mental hospital stood in front of your apartment...Is that correct?”

“I know it sounds stupid, but I am telling the truth.”

“Mister Lee, do you need someone to give you a ride home?”


I keep writing Mingo instead of Minho

- Sani

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