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"He said he visited you last night," Jisung whispered, caressing a plush toy he was gifted from one of the nurses. It was a small elephant with huge dark circles instead of eyes. It was missing a leg from the times it was abused by Jisung in his sleep when nightmares troubled his mind.

"That was him?" Minho asked unsurely. "He looked just like you."

"No, I am not like him," Jisung replied sternly, looking around the room like he was searching for something. His eyes fell back behind Minho and that's where they stopped.

Minho glanced behind himself, nervously biting his lower lip. This room was giving him the impression like it was closing in on him. The walls were so dark and plain and the only thing there was just a bed. Even a sane person would slowly go insane if they were forced to live here.

"I don't think you are him, Jisung. He simply resembled you," he spoke fondly, taking the courage to sit on the bed next to his boyfriend.

At that second, he missed the old times more intense than usual. The times when they would drive around in their car on the empty street way past midnight, going faster speed than it was allowed, windows down and screaming the lyrics of their favourite song at that moment. He missed when they would watch a movie with the lowest ratings just to make fun of the lines and the acting. Minho wasn't the type to openly initiate skin ship, but when they were alone, just the two of them and their apartment, he was inseparable from Jisung. He wanted to breathe the exact same air, see what he saw, eat what he ate. He was simply so in love with everything about Jisung. They loved making memories and share experiences, even if they weren't so nice.

Minho was terrified that nothing would ever be the same. He was afraid that one day, the love for Jisung would disappear and he would be forced to move on. He didn't want to give his boyfriend up, just the thought made shivers run down all over his body.

"Do you still love me?" Jisung suddenly asked and for a moment, he looked like himself again. A smile appeared on his lips. Something twinkled in his eyes, almost like recognition and he held both Minho's hands protectively.

"Of course, my flower, I will always love you..." Minho was holding back tears at the end of the sentence.

"Hyung, please kiss me..."

Minho leaned in like he was waiting for this moment, locking their lips and kissing Jisung almost desperately. He finally felt that warmth again. It blossomed in his chest and spread through his whole body like a decease. He was reminded of how beautiful it was each time they kissed and how ethereal Jisung looked with his lips bruised when he pulled away. Jisung's eyes always stayed closed for a few seconds after they finished kissing and Minho found that endearing. It was hard to pull away this time. He wanted to keep touching his boyfriend's lips with his own and never stop.

"I am so sorry this happened. Everything is my fault. You are suffering because of me," Jisung whispered as he fell into Minho's embrace.

"It's not your fault. Nothing of this is. We will get through this, don't worry, my love."

"I don't want you to die," Jisung sobbed again, clinging onto his boyfriend's sweater. "I don't want him to kill you."

"Don't worry, he won't hurt me. I won't let him kill me."

The boy pulled away from the hug, harshly grabbing Minho's shoulders, sinking his nails deep. He was gone again, expression changing back into the strange grimace.

"He never asked for permission."


As soon as Minho came home, he threw his coat and his bag on the other side of the room. He approached a dining table and grabbed the empty vase placed in the middle, throwing that too, watching as it shattered when it made contact with the wall. The shards flew on the floor all around him.

He was breathing frantically, like a wild beast after chasing a lamb. The moment of clarity in the mess his life was, was perfect while it lasted, but since it was already gone, it just hurt more than before. It only reminded him of what it used to be like and that he might not have that any more. His heart was in physical pain, his chest was tight and his vision was slowly becoming blurry.


That damned voice again. It was even more distorted than before, but it still sounded so much like Jisung, like the boy was calling him while having a bad reception. Minho didn't wait around this time and quickly approached the window, walking through the shattered glass and paying no mind to it.

Jisung was standing there in the middle of the road with the same clothes on like before, but this time, they were torn up like someone attacked him with a pair of scissors. His hair was messy and wet, face stained with dirt and blood.

"It's you! You are him!" Minho exclaimed, opening the window. "What do you want?!"


Jisung's clone only said one word, before a truck came by, running over him.

"No!" the boy screamed, thinking he was hit, but when the truck left, there was nothing there, not even a bloody spot at the place he last stood. He simply vanished.


I am whipped for Han Jisung <3

- Sani

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