Chapter 109: Sorry

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Now Shu Zimu is awake. In addition to Qi Yan, Qiao Ye Yunhao can't help frowning and asking him what happened before.

Shu Zimu talked about Zheng Weihe's method. Several people reacted differently after listening to it. Qiao Ye and Yun Hao thought that Sheng Xiaowu was the behind-the-scenes ambassador and condemned them, but Qi Yan shook his head and said, "Sheng Xiaowu shouldn't lie. , He didn't know about it at first, he was called temporarily."

Shu Zimu also thought that it was a good thing for Sheng Xiaowu to do. He could not help being surprised. "Who is it if he is not Sheng Xiaowu?" Apart from Sheng Xiaowu, there should be no such people who deliberately targeted him now?

Qi Yan said: "It should be Zheng Weihe."

"It's him?" Shu Zimu couldn't help but open his eyes wide, "I have no contradiction with him, there is no competitive relationship, why should he do this?"

"Then you have to ask him." Qi Yan said, "They did this thing too crudely, obviously decided temporarily, and even if Xiao Xiaowu is stupid, he will not leave such obvious clues, and it is impossible to use only a little. Sleeping pills."

Yesterday, Qiao Ye checked them for a while, and they found the images of Shu Zimu and Zheng Weihe going out without much effort, and then immediately asked the head of the club to tune in the monitoring along the way. It's just that the room booked by Sheng Xiaowu belongs to the most upscale, and the privacy required by customers is also strong. There is no area monitoring. Therefore, everyone could only see that Zheng Weihe had taken Shu Zimu to that area and did not come out again, but did not know which room they entered.

After Qi Yan knew this, he asked the person in charge of the club to go to the room to be inspected one by one. Even if the object was Qi Yan, the person in charge of the request still pushed back. After all, the guests there don't say that all of them are bigger than Qi Yan, but they are not much worse. Disagreeing is an offense to Qi Yan, and agreeing to offend a group of people.

The person in charge of the club did not cooperate, and Qi Yan simply did not continue to ask the other party to check the room. After all, looking at the other party's attitude, the promise to check might be to look at the door and fool things. In order to improve efficiency, Qi Yan turned to check the monitoring of the import and export of this area for a period of time, and at the same time pay attention to whether someone came over. The person in charge is of course not good enough to refuse again.

The monitoring within a few hours has been watched again, because it is the most high-end room, and the customers are few and sophisticated, and there are not many people who come and go. After watching it, Qi Yan feels that these people are not like Shu Zimu. Get started. Until after a while, Sheng Xiaowu appeared in the monitor.

Qi Yan has a lot of opponents, and there will inevitably be competitors in business, but to say that he dares to take such measures to deal with Shu Zimu, except Sheng Xiaowu hardly does what he thinks. Seeing Sheng Xiaowu, Qi Yan didn't have to check the rooms one by one, and he almost knew the answer.

Qi Yan asked the person in charge to check Sheng Xiaowu's room. Both sides of the person in charge could not afford to offend, especially Sheng Xiaowu was an unreasonable little bully. He heard a bitter face immediately after hearing Yan Yan's words, and was pushed away in a circle. Fortunately, Qi Yan also arrived at the Hongxing Club at this time, no longer wasting time, and brought someone to the door.

The person in charge shook off in front of him and saw that the two Shaxing were going to have a conflict in the store. At this time, they still had to follow the past and reconcile them from the heart to prevent the fairy from fighting the mortals and finally the pot fell on his head.

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