Chapter 30

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~Elena POV~

Aggressive sweeping. Headache. Bed.

My eyes flickered open to face tall blackout curtains. Sleep drowned out my initial thoughts, but the shock of last night hit me like cold water and made me sit up.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Part of me didn't want to know how I got to this bed, but another sat in awe. He left water and neatly folded clothes on the side table.

As much as I was forced to believe Cristian was a heartless asshole with no redeeming qualities, I was proven wrong. There was a side to him nobody else had seen, and selfishly...I wanted it to stay that way. To be the only one who really knew him.

Was I wrong?

Or was I blind?

I rubbed my eyes, telling myself I was blind. I had to be careful, I got a feeling that man couldn't be interested in anything more than a one-night stand.

I finished the glass of water, picked up the clothes and got out of bed. The room was like the glimpse of his place I'd seen last night - empty and pale, aside from an armchair by the door.

Interesting. I'd heard of people who lived in cardboard boxes but just hadn't met one.

My clothes were still damp from yesterdays snow, so I guessed the extra door was the bathroom and wasted no time showering.

On the bathroom counter, there sat a packaged toothbrush and toothpaste. I wondered why he had them in the guest bathroom, but an ugly thought broke through as the steam cleared in the bathroom.


Discomfort stirred in me as I threw on his clothes. The t-shirt was baggy, and I had to roll the pyjamas halfway to make them fit, but it was the scent that made my unease worse.

They smelled like him, like clean cotton and the woods after rainfall. The scent made me dizzy. Damn him. I was not letting his smell short-circuit my brain, so I ignored my thoughts and forced myself out of the room.

A hallway stood before me, leading to more rooms on the right and across. On the left was a glass railing overlooking the sitting area downstairs, as well as the wall of windows behind which was a view that literally stole my breath.

I hurried down the spiral staircase and ran to the windows, pressing my hands against them.

Was this real? New York was...beautiful?

Thousands of skyscrapers disappeared into thick mist. Cars busied on the roads, so small it looked like they were moving in slow motion. The ground was topped with white, reminding me how much it snowed last night. I'd never seen the city with this perspective...

"Amazing huh?" An accented voice faltered my daze. I turned to be met with the warm smile of a woman holding a broom.

"Never, it's amazing."

She was old and round, but had a youthful glow in her eyes. Her uniform told me she was the maid, and it had me wondering. She worked for...him

As she continued sweeping, I pushed away the urge to ask her about her boss and walked around the area.

His place was...simple. Not a single decoration piece was in sight, neither a speck of dirt. Everything was clean and minimalistic, like a hospital.

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