Chapter 17

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The car stopped at a tall skyscraper lit with blue neon lights down the side. I blinked at the building, trying to find the top of it but ended up looking stupid by tilting my head back.

Cristian got out, opened my door and I left the car, all before realising what was happening.


Unsurprisingly, he didn't seem fazed. "Inside, Elena."

"I can't, I have to go home, I have to find Beverly I need to tell her everything is okay I-" My vision distorted with the tears rising again.

I cursed myself for feeling so weak and helpless in front of a selfish man like him, one who most likely laughed at my pain.

"You know you can't go home."

"But I want to!" I exploded.

He placed a hand behind my back and made me walk, and I had no choice but to follow him inside. As soon as I stepped into the modern, off white lobby I squinted at the light and gained a few stares from the residents passing by.

We went up a fancy elevator, I tried not to cry again and then the doors parted to reveal a huge penthouse.

If I weren't so pre-occupied, I would have nosied around but instead I went inside and followed him up the stairs to a hallway.

He opened a bedroom door and I didn't realise just how hard my heart thumped until our footsteps stopped.

I stared at the bed, stared at the floor to ceiling windows and then back at where Cristian stood but he was gone. Once the quiet touched my skin in cold shivers, I broke out into tears once more.

Falling onto the ground. Feeling the cold marble beneath my knees and wishing this was all a nightmare. One horrible twisted nightmare.

Cristian returned and picked me off the floor, sitting me on the bed and focusing on my eyes with a stern look. He tilted my chin up, followed the singular tear going down my eyes before his jaw clenched a little.

He handed me something white. Something soft and new as I unravelled it from a neat fold and opened the shirt. He then gave me plaid dark blue pyjamas and stepped back.

He followed another tear down my cheek, with dark, blackened eyes before he turned around. His shoulders were tense, his back stiff as he headed to the door but when I sniffled a little he stopped.

"Get dressed."

Well I was already going to do that. I waited for him to leave, and when he did I kicked my heels off, slipped into his clothes and laid down on the bed.

My makeup was staining the perfect white pillows, the cold fabric soaking up the sadness that bled from me. Cristian soon returned holding a glass of water, and when he crouched in front of my city view he placed it on the side table.

I eyed the small white pill in his fingers before he set it down on the table. "Are you really drugging me."

"Just take it." He said as he stood, and he shut the light before walking out the room, leaving the door open a crack.

I took the pill. Stared at the colourful city view, and passed out within minutes.


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