Chapter 3

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~Elena POV~

Tonight I'd come to a solid conclusion. I was an idiot.

I should have stayed by the water fountain inside the ballroom like I was told, but no - I had to be curious and here I was, standing in front of someone who just hulk smashed 5 Ricci men.

My eyes stilled on pair of dark, seemingly empty ones and I felt my cheeks flush.

This was embarrassing for my brothers, and maybe even for me as they lay on the ground like they were dead. They were awfully skilled in fighting, so it was impossible for anyone to knock them out let alone a single man.

Regardless, he'd done this to them. That tall, suited figure that was walking away them like he owned what he just did.

Every smooth, slow step of his radiated sheer power and I found myself holding my breath until he stopped and actually acknowledged my presence.

Classical music drowned out as I took in his face and felt a warm rush of recognition run down my spine.

Dark piercing eyes. A sober expression, and the glint of something completely cynical behind his stare. My hand tightened on the silk handle of my purse.

"What did you do to my brothers?"

There was no change in his expression with my words. He wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. "The bastards could do with a nap."

What. Bastards? My cheeks grew heavy with annoyance. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think you can-"

My heart jumped when he started walking towards me. If my feet hadn't frozen onto the marble tiles maybe I'd run, but something dangerous and amused played behind those eyes only making me stand my ground. But even that was difficult.

The closer he got to the larger I realised he was in comparison to me. My chest started to heave and my heart beat in my throat and thought I was never afraid of intimidating men, this one seemed to be completely different.

I thought he was going to spare my life and walk past me but he stopped by my side. Even taller than I assumed from the distance. Even bigger.

My eyebrows lowered as I stared at him, showing him he didn't scare me but I probably seemed as frightening as a chihuahua and he could see that.

His arm brushed mine and I kept my glare hard, silently warning him but still jumping at the sound of his voice so close.

"I didn't know Ricci's daughter was so beautiful."

"Stronzo." I muttered under my breath. "You attack my brothers and then you hit on me?"

His eyes narrowed at the edges, in a way that made a shiver erupt on my spine. Crap, I should have just held my tongue.

Maybe then he wouldn't have moved his mouth close to my ear, so close that I could get a whiff of his cologne just when I thought I couldn't get any more breathless.

"Call me an asshole again, and I'll have you over my fucking knee in seconds." He snapped, eyes suddenly drained of any amusement or even a hint of humanity.

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