Chapter 16

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Cristian didn't bat an eye at my attitude. He remained untouched, unfeeling.

"Ok. Bye." Beverley muttered and hurried off into the crowd herself.

"If you wanted to talk to me, you could have just told me." I blurted. "There was no need for you to scare off a guy, my attention comes undivided."

He shoved his hands into his pockets, almost grimaced as he scrutinised me. "I think we all know that."

What. My hawkish gaze followed him as he left, watching him nudge past a woman who spills her drink on her dress with the movement. He must had done it unknowingly because he didn't stop neither did he look back.

"Oh my god." I mutter and run to her side, pulling some Kleenex from my purse "I'm so sorry, he's an idiot, I don't even think he saw you."

"Its ok, that was my fault. I tend to stick my hand out a lot." She said and I helped her clean her dress. Thankfully the champagne didn't stain her golden dress and most of it was soaked up with the tissues.

Once I was done, I had a full obligation to see Cristian and confront him. The ballroom in my Nonno's new hotel was grand, but thankfully wasn't as big as others I'd been to so this would be easy.

I scanned around the crowd for Cristian, and when I saw a tall broad man in a navy suit I followed him. He headed through a hallway, over shiny dark wooden floors and through fabric walls before he stopped.

"What do you want." He asked lowly.

Suddenly Vito's voice echoed around the corner and I flinched. Oh God, this was a mistake. He was going to kill me and instead of giving my dress to Beverly like I promised, I'd be buried in it.

My eyes darted around, and before the footsteps got too close I ran towards the cleaning closet, opened the door and grabbed Cristian's wrist.

He barely moved but once he found out what was going on he followed and I shut the door.

"First of all-" I started, hopefully pointing a finger at him and not the wall. It was dark to say the least. "You are mean."

"Took you long enough to figure it out."

"Second of all, you ruined a woman's dress."

He remained silent, meaning he had no idea what I was talking about. "Not since last night."

I let out a repulsed scoff and shook my head. This was stupid. I opened the door to leave before-

"You're staying." He pulled me back, closing the door  while my mouth hung wide open, but he couldn't see it of course. He couldn't see anything.

"Why?" I asked. "Is the party not entertaining enough?"

"Aren't you bored of the same thing?"

"You can't ask me questions, especially when you refused to answer mine that day in the car and tried to cheat in my game."

"Fine." He bit out, sounding a little annoyed. "We'll play your stupid game."



I let out a slow, heated breath. I could start with anything, but my first though went to "Where did you get your neck tattoo?"

His CorruptionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora