33. A Wonderful Christmas

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«Thank you, Henry» The looked into each others eyes, but not for long since they was interrupted by henrys mom and Ray

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«Thank you, Henry» The looked into each others eyes, but not for long since they was interrupted by henrys mom and Ray.

«Henry, Amy, look here!» Henrys mom said and they both did. What met them was two cameras pointing at them. They both smiled, looked at each other for a second and looked back at the cameras, all of there movements becoming pictures. As Amy looked at the camera, Henry looked away and looked down at her for a second, smiling before he looked at the wall behind them smiling wider. He then rested his head on hers before he moved behind her, holding his hands around her, posing for the cameras.

The evening went by pretty fast, they eat dinner, and desert, they played some games and opened one present each. Henry and impi had gone together to by a watch for Ray, witch he got really happy for.

«Bye dad, love you» Amy said as she hugged him. She and Henry had followed Ray out of the house and where standing on the front steps. Ray was holding his gift from them, and some leftovers from the dinner and cake.

«Love you too, thank you guys so much for the gift and for a wonderful evening»

«Aahh no problem boss» Henry said gently slapping Rays shoulder.

«You know Hen, you may be okay» Ray said finally seeing why. Why they where together.

«Thanks» Henry said with a smile before Ray turned around and started to walk away. Henry layed his arm around Amy's waist as they waved back to Ray who had stopped to waved at them. They looked like a newly wed couple who had just hosted their first Christmas. When they didn't see Ray anymore they returned back inside, where almost everyone had disappeared.

«Go to bed you to, I'm just going to put the last of the dishes into the dishwasher» Siren said with a smile.

«Are you sure, I can help» Amy said.

«Yes, yes, you are just to kind Amy. Now, run to bed before crampus comes to get you» she said waving Amy and Henry away. They smiled and ran upstairs. Amy walked over to her bag, finding her pyjamas.

«Eh, Hen? Could you?» She asked turning her back towards him, holding her short hair away from the zipper of her dress.

«Uhm, eh yeh, yeh» He gently zipped it open, reviling her bra.

«Thanks» She said and walked back to her bag, she let the dress slide down and quickly put her pyjamas on. She turned back to Henry who stood there with light red cheeks and a stunned face. She smiled and took of his suit jacket and layed it gently on the bed. She walked back to him and started to open his tie, gliding it over his head.

«You know I can undress myself?» He suddenly said.

«Yeh, it just seemed you where to stunned to do anything, I thought I might help you» She said with a smile as she walked over to his closet finding two hangers. She picked up her dress and put it on the hanger, she then walked over to Henry and did the same to his suit and tie. Henry had change into sweatpants, but only that.

«Shall we?» he asked gesturing to the bed. Both of them where super tired. She nodded and they climbed into bed together, she rested her hand and head on his chest, and they quickly fell asleep.

In the morning, still in each others arms, they where woken by a bell. They barely had time to open there eyes before Henrys mom and Dad stood in the door opening of Henrys room. They where in pyjamas and where shaking a Christmas bell, as they tried to sing carols. Amy sat up with a huge smile.

«Ahhh mooom, pleeas!!» Henry said, this was clearly something that happen every year.

«Good morning you two!» Siren said and smiled.

«Good morning!» Amy said back still with a huge smile.

«Breakfast is soon ready» Henrys Dad said before they slowly went back to the hallway.

«We'll be down soon!» Henry said before they closed the door. Amy turned around to Henry and laid down over his bear chest, kissing his soft warm lips. As they continued kissing Henry sat up making Amy slide down to his lap.

 As they continued kissing Henry sat up making Amy slide down to his lap

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They pulled apart as they heard footsteps running in the hallway. They both laughed as they looked back at each other form the door. Amy laied her head down on Henrys shoulder as they both enjoyed the moment of laughter.

«Okay we better get down» Amy said as she rolled of off Henry and the bed. She stood up and tossed a T-shirt to Henry. She quickly brushed her hair, her curls had turned into waves over the night, and her eye make-up was pretty okay.

«Do I need to brush mine?» Henry asked walking up behind her in the mirror with messy hair. She turned around and looked up at him.

«Naaa» She said and ruffled it to a less messy mess. He smiled and pulled her up and closer into a kiss. She stood on her tip toes, Henry supporting most of her weight. He took her hand and they walked down together. Piper was sitting at the Christmas tree and had already started unwrapping one of her gifts. They sat down beside her and started to search for there own gifts.

After unwrapping everything they eat breakfast and the rest of the day went to Christmas cartoons and candy from there Christmas socks. It had been a good celebration, which had gotten Amy to think of the future. excitement of one day stating a family of her own. Hopefully with the one she was sitting so close to in the sofa right now. 


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Sorry for the laaaaate update, but now the christmas chapter is done and in the middle of the summer you now have a little taste of christmas  witch is almost right around the corner again. 

I shall try to write more and I'll hope you guys still like the storie, I have a plan for the next chapters. I just need to sit down and write them.

Luv yah <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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