Bonus chapter: No more of Alexis

Start from the beginning

"And a big brother to little Eli, Olivia and Ethan" Madi said and as if understanding Eli giggled.

Maybe it was the relief, or the joy, that he didn't have to keep it in anymore and they all accepted him for who he was. Alexis broke out into tears sobbing into his dad's arms as they both held him.

After Alexis stopped crying and they all broke away from the hug and back to their seats he spoke again. "t-thank you guys" Alexis sniffed wiping his tears with the end of his shirt. "Also I have one more thing to say."

"What is it?"

"I would also like to change my name to Alex. If that's ok with you guys" He said looking at his dads.

Liam nodded trying not to cry anymore than he already had, and he was doing better than his husband who was somehow worse than Alexis, although it was no surprise to anyone knowing how emotional Enzo was.

"That's perfectly fine. Alex" Liam smiled and Alex burst into tears all over again giving his dads a hug.

"But you can call me Lex for short. I think it's cool" Alex said moving back and wiping his tears.

Zach and Zaria seemed to be on the verge of tears themselves but Zaria's came pouring down when Alex got up, turned to his aunts and uncles. and said. "Thank you guys so much for being a supportive family since I was a child and letting me explore myself. I love you guys more than anything"

She got up giving Alex a hug. Zach on the other hand opted not to claiming he'd be just as bad as Enzo if he did. which was very much true. "Even if we did kind of know, it's so amazing to see you find yourself"

"What do you mean to kind of knew? I wasn't that obvious about it" Alex scoffed wiping his face with a small laugh that slowly died down when he saw the deadpan look on everyone's faces.

"Your dads even sent us articles on how to be supportive and make you feel comfortable and what to say and not to say" Tobias smiled as Eli played with his fingers from her moms lap over the table.

"Papa? Dad?" Alex turned to Liam and Enzo who just sheepishly smiled at him.

"I had my suspicions so I just wanted to be prepared and make sure you're ok. So I know about what to do" Liam said smiling.

"Yea we also asked a few of my trans ftm friends how to. Just to be sure they we're accurate." Enzo said "If you wanna talk to them they're happy to help. As someone who's experienced it"

In all honesty Alex just couldn't believe his luck to have such amazing parents. "Ok like when was I so obvious?"

"You did want to cut your hair and wear masculine clothes since you we're five" He pointed out. "and you didn't want to play with the boys and also hated being called a girl or anything feminine"

"I'm just gonna act like I didn't notice you stealing all my shirts and sweatpants" Enzo said with a small laugh.

"That could just have meant I was a tomboy" Alex rebutted.

"You almost had a panic attack and threw a tantrum when you had to wear a dress and do your hair for the school concert in third grade" Tobias said casually.

"And again when you hit the marks of female puberty" Madi said with a teasing smile.

"Oh and again when I tried to take you bra shopping and we just left with a bunch of sports bras instead" Zar giggled.

"Ok Ok I got it" Alex laughed shrugging them off. After that they stayed for a while before leaving to their respective homes.

Of course Liam and Alex had teased Enzo about crying more than both of them.

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