His hands pull you farther into him, ducking your head to his chest and letting you avoid eye contact.

You curled into him, your hands grabbing at his shirt and gently thumbing at the soft fabric.

You didn't want to say anything.

You didn't want to talk, because right now, all you wanted was whatever this strange and tentative friendship was between the two of you.

You wanted to sit here in bed and feel a little less alone in the world.

Techno didn't ask anymore, and you didn't say anymore, so the both of you just sat there.

A warm cocoon of limbs and heat.

You didn't care at the moment, if this was weird. It just felt good.

You shuffled closer, nestling farther into his chest, to which Techno responded by running a hand through your hair. A familiar popping noise started up, echoing in his chest.

You shivered at the feeling.

He's never done that before. Ran a hand through your hair.

No one has really, at least not that gently.

You don't know if that's a good or bad thought, but it felt nice.

You could almost go back to sleep.

A warm encompassing figure, gentle purring, someone you trust, only good thoughts chugging in your head- the list could go on as to why you felt so comfortable.


Were falling asleep...

Clearly falling enough into sleep to not hear anything until you feel Techno shift- harshly whispering something to someone and swatting an arm out at something.

A grumble in his chest, voice trying its best to be soft with you pressed against him, but failing as aggravation was seeping through.

It takes you a bit to actually hear words.

But when you do, the first thing you hear is Techno.

"Tommy- I won't repeat myself. Scram."


The sleep was shaken from you at how loud the other voice was.

Clearly Tommy.

Very, very clearly Tommy.

It was silent for a moment, which you can assume they were eyeing each other. A stare down of wills, which Tommy broke first with a question, "Where'd you-know-who go anyways? Not that I really want to know..."

Was Tommy talking about you?

He sounded... like he was trying his best to be nonchalant.

"Obviously sleeping like a normal person does." Techno replies. Which is true. Absolutely true. But now you also realize that Tommy hasn't spotted you, pressed into Techno, covered in blankets, and very, very much awake now.

"Yeah but where." Tommy immediately responds. Still acting nonchalant about it.

You can feel the action of Techno rolling his eyes, "Literally non of your business." He grumbles out.

"Yeah but it is." Tommy responds immediately again.

"Yeah but why." Techno counters.

Another silence.

One that you couldn't tell what they were doing, but you had to assume they were staring each other down again.

"HAH-" Techno let's out a laugh, "What a loooserrr- being attached to someone is such a nerd thing to do-"

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