Tommy Adventure

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The whole spilling boiling hot chocolate everywhere was solved with a good few minutes of forcing Tommy to get out of the cauldron and into the lake that was just outside of the base. And by forcing, that meant you asking him to get out of your sink, and him snarking back that he liked it there.

You all but had to lift him out of the sink- and he was surprisingly light for such a lanky kid.

He walked the rest of the way, and from there he settled into the water to sooth the burns. They had to have hurt, but he swam around for a bit, and it seemed to keep the burns from being too serious, so everything was okay in that department. Kind of.

When he finally dragged himself out he didn't bother trying to dry off, drenched to know ends but enjoying it.

Then it was off on an adventure for the two of you.

A sword in the blonde's hand, a compass in yours, and the both of you treading through the woods opposite the direction of L'manberg. Needless to say, you still sucked at navigating, but Tommy didn't care that you had no idea where you were going- the whole point to his, 'adventure' was to look for something to do. No real goal in mind.

You had to smile at his antics- through every new woods, and every random plains you'd walk, he light up the environment.

From chattering to you about things he'd saw and done, to taunting random wildlife, it seemed to be a good use of your day. For nothing else if not bonding to someone you would need to trust if battle did break out.

You both went a lot farther then you thought you would, exploring land, gathering random things you'd find, passing questions between the both of you. Tommy especially persistent about what you were...

Eventually you both decided to climb a random mountain before calling it quits and heading back to the base.

It was quite a large mountain, but the both of you fought your way up it. A few close calls with falling, a few poorly timed snowball fights.

But you both stood at the top, deeply breathing in the colder mountain air, wind rushing harshly past the both of you due to the climate.

Tommy in particular seemed to enjoy how high up the both of you were. He didn't voice it, but you saw it. From the smile, and the way his shoulders relaxed-

He felt free up here.

In a sense both of you did- so far away from all the conflict.

You both spent a good ten to twenty minutes lounging about up there, before you, being incredibly overwhelmed by how cold it was, began to insist to leave.

True to the nature of something from the nether- you couldn't stand the cold, and with the heat from the initial hike being blown off your body, you were shivering.

Tommy didn't seem to mind the cold.

"Another ten minutes." Tommy grumbled, looking at your shivering figure, before off the cliffside again.

It was an incredibly steep drop, almost completely straight down. And Tommy persistently wanted to stare over it.

"No- Tommy- If you think I'm freezing my ass off another second here, your wrong." You side glanced the same cliff he was staring down, "Even if being up here is therapeutic."

"Pssh- you wanna know what I think?" Tommy asked, and as you were in the process of saying 'no' he rambled over you, "I think you are just a pussy who can't handle a little bit of a chill."

"..." You squinted at him, "Tommy."

He briefly paused when your voice got serious- panic flashing against his eyes.

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