Chapter 9: Memories and Moving Part 1

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She started having him over for dinner when she realized that he ate nothing but take out. 6 months later Oliver had gotten hurt and needed stitches so Aunt Soph found out that he was the Green Arrow. She invited him to our house for Thanksgiving so he wasn’t alone for the holidays. He's been coming ever since.

We found out his secret identity a year after we met him. There were a series of robberies in Metropolis. Clark and I were going to stop one. We saw Oliver get hurt and ended up finding out each other's secrets. He expanded his company to Metropolis, so that's where he will be living now.

His soulmate is Chloe but they aren't together yet. But I'm working on getting them together. I know that they are soulmates because I have the ability to see soulmates. I can see a red string on people's pinky fingers leading to each other's soulmates. Bart Allen came next.

We met him when he stole our Dad's wallet. He can run faster than Clark and me. He decided to stay in Smallville but he didn't have a place to stay. Aunt Mia said he could stay with her if he promised to stop stealing and go back to highschool. He agreed and has been a part of our family since. Bart works with Oliver as a superhero.

Apparently Bart had stolen from Oliver and they knew about each other's secret. Oliver told him that if he worked with him he wouldn't have him arrested. He also does deliveries for Oliver's company. Bart's soulmate is Lucy. They just started dating.

Arthur Curry or AC as he likes to be called came next. We met him at Crater Lake. It was summer vacation. He saved Lois's life. She had hit her head on the dock and he got her out of the water in time. He can swim fast underwater. It’s like superspeed under water.

He also is a superhero and works at Oliver's company. He lives in Metropolis. His soulmate is Dinah Lance. But they aren't dating. 🙄 I'm also working on them. Victor Stone was the next person to be added to our family. We met him through Oliver. Victor was in a car accident and it killed his family. He was rebuilt by a doctor who was experimenting on people.

Victor has super strength, stamina, durability, enhanced physical characteristics, and ability to interface with computer systems. Like the others he's a superhero and works at Oliver's company in the computer department. His soulmate string hasn't led to anyone yet.

Next came John Jones. He's a Martian Manhunter. He hunts down bad guys and fights for justice. He came to earth when Clark did. We found out that before Krypton exploded he had promised Jor-El to look after us when we got to earth. But he didn't come into our lives until after he had gotten his life on earth situated. He’s like an Uncle to the twins, Bubba, and me. He adopted his daughter Cassandra when I was 18.

He's a police detective in Metropolis. His soulmate string hasn't led to anyone yet. Next came Cassandra Jones. Uncle John adopted her when she was 17. He had responded to a domestic disturbance call. When he and his partner got there they heard a gunshot.

They kicked in the door and found Cassie laying on the floor bleeding. A man was standing over her with a gun. It was her father. He blamed her for the death of her mother because she died in childbirth.

He abused her all her life then that day he decided to kill her. Uncle John and his partner arrested the father. He was charged with abuse and first degree attempted murder. He got a life sentence. 

Uncle John kept visiting Cassie in the hospital. A week before she got discharged he asked if she wanted to live with him and she said yes. So when she left the hospital the adoption process started. With the help of all of us she opened a library/ cafe in Metropolis.

Her soulmate string hasn't led to anyone yet. Next came Dinah Lance. She works at the Daily Planet with Clark and Lois. She's the Black Canary. Her abilities are Master martial artist, hand-to-hand combatant, Ultrasonic scream (Canary cry) Flight/glide. We found out her secret identity when she almost died. Her soulmate is AC.

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