Hell Hath No Fury...

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"Ughh, how much longer do we have to wait?"

Izzy slumped in her seat, frowning.

Camila tried her best to describe the Slayer's brown eyes to the sketch artist and Giovani told the gang he would show up at the diner the next day to give them an update.

Alex sighed.
"Yeah, I'm getting sick of this too, and where's Paul?"

"With his mom. He said he was taking her to the park." replied Macy.

Just then, Lara walked in.

"Good morning, children."

They groaned in unison.

"Sorry to ruin your day."

They were interrupted by the sound of the door being opened.

Giovani walked in with Dr Fellers in tow.


Izzy zeroed in on Dr Fellers.

"Woah. You're hot."

The compliment earned a chuckle from the psychologist and a whack on the head from her brother.

Giovani started the introductions.

"I don't think you've officially met the kids. You already know Camila, this is Alex, that little rascal is his sister, Izzy, and that's Macy."

Alex and Izzy shook hands with her while Macy greeted her with a muffled hello, her mouth stuffed with a veggie burger.

Giovani poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Is everyone here?"

"Well, Kai and Dr Sanchez are working and Paul's at the park with his mom, we'll fill them in later."

""Alright then, we've sent out copies of Camila's sketch to different towns and we're just hoping someone manages to recognize it."

The group let out groans of disapproval.

"So what now?" asked Alex.

The detective sighed.

"I don't know, I just wish the Slayer had something more uncommon like blue eyes."

Izzy sighed.
"Mia had blue eyes."

Alex smiled as his mind manifested her face.

"Yeah, big beautiful baby blue eyes. I miss her so much. I wish she told us if she knew something. Maybe she'd still be here."

Camila nodded.
"Yeah, I wish she left one of those Easter eggs she's so good at."

They laughed.

"Oh, yeah, the Easter eggs."

Giovani frowned.
"Easter eggs?"

Alex explained.
"Whenever we volunteered at the orphanage, she would go all out on treasure hunts and leave crazy clues in places you never even expected, it was a lot of fun."

"Well, Mia did leave a clue; the notebook, which you already know we lost."

Alex shrugged.
"A notebook seems too obvious though."

Camila nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Mia used to put a lot of thought into every clue, but I guess she must've been overwhelmed by whatever she discovered."

"What about her parents? Maybe they saw something?"

"I barely see them around now, they've fully thrown themselves into their work in Europe, infact the only difference between them and Larry's parents is that they didn't neglect their child."

Lara huffed.
"You know I'm sitting here, right?"

"Oh, I'm aware." Alex replied, smirking.

Macy stopped stuffing her face and looked at Lara.

"Hey, speaking of which, how come your husband isn't here? It's been months and he hasn't even showed up once."

Lara's demeanor changed instantly, she looked crestfallen.

"It's about time someone asked."

They waited for her to explain.

"Lucas and I are getting a divorce."

The gang exchanged surprised glances.

Despite their neglective behavior towards their son, Lucas and Lara Brighton were believed to be deeply in love.

"I'm so sorry, what happened?"

Lara cleared her throat.

"For a while now, I suspected Lucas was having an affair, so I hired a private investigator and it turns out I was right, but it wasn't just an affair."

She took a shaky breath.

"I found that Lucas had a whole family with this woman, three kids, three fucking kids. The oldest is sixteen. Larry was eighteen, let that sink in."

And they did.

Minutes went by and nobody could think of anything to say, until a now teary eyed Lara Brighton spoke up again, turning to Macy.

"So to answer your question, no, Lucas isn't coming, Larry's death costs him nothing. He's got three kids, a new woman, a happy family....."

She choked up.

"And I have nothing."

Macy started to speak, but Lara raised a hand.

"No, please, don't say you're sorry, you had nothing to do with this. I just wanna finalise the divorce, help catch the killer, and then I'm getting out of here. I'll focus on my work for a year or two, retire and maybe move to Paris or something."

She got up.

"We should probably get back."

Giovani nodded.

Lara practically ran out before anyone could stop her.

Karen and Giovani quietly said their goodbyes and followed her out, leaving the stunned kids to think about what they'd just heard.

Alex spoke first.

"So....am I the only one who feels like a total dipshit?"

Lara entered the car and sat in the back, trying to control her breathing.

Giovani entered the driver's seat and turned to Karen who sat in front with him.

"Do you want me to drop you off at the hospital?"

She shook her head.

"Can you drop me off at the park instead?"


He turned to Lara, feeling a massive amount of guilt as he watched her staring out the window, her mind clearly far far away from here.

Everyone treated her like an outcast, no one knew she was suffering much more than everyone else.

She lost her entire family, and not one of us even bothered to give her a break.

"You don't have to come back to the station, I can drive you home so you can get some rest."

Lara looked away from the window with a dramatic change, rage burning in her eyes as she stared at the detective.

"I'm not resting until my son's killer is behind bars."

Karen smirked at Giovani.

"I guess Congreve was right."

"About what?"

"Hell really does have no fury like a woman scorned."

The DreVille SlayerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang