Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve had a calm atmosphere.

Izzy, Alex, Francis and Camila were almost finished decorating the restaurant.

A big tree stood in a corner, with beautiful ornaments on it. A big angel with a star in his hand had been placed on the top.

Izzy pulled her brother to a table for a quick break.

"You know, this is going to be our first Christmas without mom, Larry and Mia."

"It is." agreed Camila. "It just doesn't feel right without them."

"And the others." said Alex. "I really feel bad for Macy, Paul, David and Davenport's families. I even feel sorry for Lara."

Francis sighed.
"They'll get through this. Life goes on and they will too. The first Christmas without a loved one is always the hardest. Once it's over, they'll start to heal."

There was a little, sad silence.

"So..." he said, trying to change the subject. "Who's coming for tonight's dinner? I want to make sure there's enough pie for everyone."

Alex chuckled. "Kai will join us as always. Macy's parents are stuck in her aunt's house because of a snowstorm, so she'll come too. Paul will come with his mom, I guess."

Camila raised her index finger finger to correct him. "Actually Paul's coming alone. His mom feels weird about celebrating anything here, so she will be spending Christmas in Las Vegas with some relatives."

Izzy nudged Alex with her elbow. "Imagine if Francis dated our mom long enough to get married. This would have been our regular life."

Alex grinned. "I know, right?"

"Yeah." she replied.
"I would have totally supported mom if she had told us she was dating Francis—"

Izzy jumped at the sound of glass breaking.

Camila's glass of water had slipped out of her hand as she stared at her friends, momentarily stunned.

"Hey, weren't we supposed to meet here like half an hour ago?"

A freezing Kai spoke furiously on the phone with Paul, who was supposed to meet to meet him at the shopping center to do some last-minute Christmas shopping.

"I know and I'm sorry! My mom's flight was delayed. And now I'm stuck in traffic. Should've just left her car at the airport."

"Paul, that's the lamest excuse you can give me right now."

"Its not an excuse! I don't think I'll make it."

Kai sighed. "Ah, alright. Meet me at Stark's, then. I'll finish here myself."

"You sure?"

Kai shrugged, even though his friend couldn't see him.
"Yeah, I'm not freezing to death for nothing."

He heard Paul chuckle.
"Ok, then. I'll see you at the diner."

He hung up.

Kai sighed and decided to finish up his shopping.

He purchased some ornaments for Christmas trees, Christmas cards and even got a bottle of eggnog for his co-workers and he was walking to Stark's feeling pretty good about himself despite the freezing cold.

Camila turned to her dad, as Macy entered the diner.
"Um, what are they talking about?"

Alex turned to Francis.
"Shit. You never told her."
It was a statement, not a question.

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