Chapter 1: It Begins...

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(Third Person POV)

Hearing the duck alarm go off, she bolts out of bed, covers still on her face, and finds her phone to hit the snooze button. She pulls the covers of her bed off her face to reveal her messy orange hair with yellow tips in a set of yellow pjs.

"First day on the job. Gotta move your ass, Jill." She said to herself.

Jill. Everyone always called her by that name since. She recommended that no one would call her by her last name since her family has a bad reputation and she was always bullied because of her father's actions. Jill Willis was the daughter of the infamous killer Jerry Robert Willis. He always abused her for trying to escape Hayesville and make sure she'd stay there until she would die. She thought her suffering would last forever but she was saved by a Janitor who knew how to kick ass and her childhood friend named Liv Hawthorne. Jill was trapped with Willy and his psychotic gang for almost her entire life... all of them trying to kill her. But five years ago, the hellish nightmare was finally put to an end when The Janitor killed the bots, ending their reign of terror. Jill and Liv went with the Janitor to leave Hayesville and Willy's was blown up, burnt to a crisp. Seeing that this was her opportunity to get a chance at a job, she asked the Janitor to drop her off at Hurricane City where she said her goodbyes to her protector and Liv. Jill settled in Hurricane City, Utah to make a fresh start and finally go to actual college instead of online learning and get a job. Now she has a job. She got a night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex that opened up about five years ago and she noticed that they make a lot per week. She also wanted to discover some parts of the Plex because last year she went into the back one time and saw a scared crying child who had black tears. Overall, Jill was kinda determined to pay for her taxes, bills, and rent or else.

As she got out of bed and cooked some breakfast in the microwave, a letter slips through under her door. She picks it up, opens the letter, and reads it, ignoring the sound of the microwave beeping.

"Dear, Miss Willis, On behalf of the STAFF and Fazbear Security, congratulations on completing your training. Your especially high marks are to be commended, and we couldn't be prouder to have you as a member of our team! Please report for orientation at Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex... later this month. Why? Because there have been a lot of disappearances lately and we want you to wait until they're over with. Overall, we look forward to having you be a part of the Fazbear Security Team!
— Mr. L"

"What?!" Jill exclaimed.

Stay away? Later this month?! She wondered why they would want her to wait until these "disappearances" stopped. It was ridiculous after all. She was looking forward to working the night shift and sacrifice her sleep schedule. She sighed and threw the note on the ground.

"Guess I'll wait till they give me another letter." She muttered.

~~One Week Later...~~

Jill grew impatient and then it went dry to the bone. She drove to Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex in her red Jeep and pulled into a parking spot. She got out and locked the car door with the push of a button and noticed so many people going into the giant pizzeria mall.

"Is it Showtime tonight?" She asked herself.

She looks at the time to see it's 4:30 and that she already paid her rent and locked up her home. Determined to find the other security so she can be part of the team. Inside the Plex, STAFF bots were cleaning while many people entered the PizzaPlex. One little boy with a blue shirt and two white stripes with his mother entered the PizzaPlex for the first time while Jill was searching for actual security guards.

On Her Guard (A FNAF Security Breach and Willy's Wonderland Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن