Family Get-Together

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Astor took a sharp inhale of breath as his eyes snapped open in a frenzied panic. He quickly looked himself over and was shocked to see all of his clothing mended and his injuries healed. After patting himself down he laughed triumphantly, relieved that the spell actually worked.

"It worked! Haha! I'm back and I'm filled with as much vim and vigor as ever, no achy bones for me, hahaha!" Astor exclaimed.

"Uh, you haven't gone ANYWHERE, Lord Astor."

Astor hummed in response and turned to see the two tribesmen he had spoken to before he had gone and banished Timpani; the purple-skinned man and the lime-colored man.

"Mmmmm... I must have blacked out for a moment." Astor lied, "What was I saying?"

"You just called the both of us PESTS." The purple-skinned man spat.

"Ah yes, now I recall." Astor chuckled in response.

The lime-colored man in the bowler hat went to grab Astor by the collar but he was prepared. Astor smacked his hand away and the two men scowled at him.

"Your SON has been a topic of rumors, Astor." The man in the hat spat, "Some say that he's mingling with a human. Others say he's indulging our secrets. A few even suggest-"

Astor yawned in response and waved them off.

"Yes, yes, misfortune upon me and my accursed bloodline, blah blah blah." Astor dismissed.

The man in the lilac cloak held his cane point up to Astor's neck and Astor simply brushed it aside.

"And many have said that it's all of the above and that he's made an impure blood child with that HUMAN." The purple-skinned man growled.

Astor snapped his fingers in realization, earning a confused look from both of the men.

"Yes! I almost forgot why I came back here!" Astor exclaimed, "Now as CHARMING as this talk has been, I'm afraid that I must take my leave. Oh, and by the way..."

Astor brought his voice down to a whisper as he walked closer to the both of them.

"I would avoid my son if I were you..... I really believe he'll be the death of you, heh heh heh..." Astor chuckled.

Astor continued laughing to himself as he walked away from the two of them, leaving them both perplexed by his sudden change from full of blind rage to almost... giddy.


The sun was just now peeking over the horizon, everyone unaware that everything had already happened in another timeline, but was now reset back. Blumiere slept soundly in his room, tucked below blankets and lightly snoring as he dozed, ignorant. All of a sudden, Astor slammed the door to Blumiere's room open with a loud THUD.

"Blumiere!!!" Astor exclaimed.

Blumiere let out a shout of surprise and fell out of his bed, now wrapped up in his blanket.

"I-I didn't do anything!!! I'm not supposed to be awake for..." Blumiere paused and glanced at a clock on the wall, "F-fifteen minutes!!!"

Astor laughed and walked over to Blumiere, helping him up and brushing him off.

"I know, I know, but I was just dying to see you up and at it!" Astor replied.

Blumiere arched an eyebrow in confusion as his father seemed to be actually smiling at him.

"Is this a trick or a trap for me to admit something..?" Blumiere asked.

"No, you goof! Can't I just bid my son a good morning?" Astor questioned.

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