Unwanted Houseguest

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Blumiere quickly hurried down the hall, not wanting to stick around the uneasy atmosphere. He wanted to believe so much that everyone would be able to accept Dimentio back as he did. But I guess that was easier for someone who was their father.

More loud knocking came from the door as Blumiere hurried for the gates.

"Who in the worlds would be coming all the way out here?" Blumiere muttered.

He gripped the door handle as more knocking came from the other side.

"I got it!" Blumiere exclaimed.

Blumiere opened the door and immediately frowned at who he saw.

"What in the Underwhere are YOU doing here?" Blumiere spat, his eyes turning a red tint, "Why must you refuse to die?!"

"Now THAT'S a rude way to greet your father."

Blumiere's father stood behind the doorway, giving him a glare as well, though a little weaker. His clothing appeared torn and slightly dirty from who knows what. And his bruised skin indicated some form of recent trauma. But his face still showed his displeasure of being there.

"Why in the worlds are you here?! Or better yet, give me a good reason why I shouldn't send you to the Underwhere?!" Blumiere demanded.

His father let out a sigh.

"I need your assistance..." He muttered.

They stared at each other for a brief moment before Blumiere slammed the door on his face, locking him out.

"And don't try teleporting in! These walls have a magical barrier around them!" Blumiere spat.

Blumiere stomped back down the hallway as his father started knocking on the door again. He let out a long sigh as he took off his top hat, pushing back his hair.

"Why can't that old fool stay dead..." Blumiere muttered, his eyes slowly returning back to their normal blue color.

Blumiere marched back down the hall until he was back in the dining room. He took his seat and let out a sigh.

"So? Who was it? And why are they still at the door?" Timpani asked.

"No one, dearest..." Blumiere replied tiredly.

Everyone could tell that was a lie.

"Okay, I'll answer the door then," Timpani stated, starting to stand.

"No! I forbid you from opening that door!" Blumiere exclaimed.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting an outburst.

"Okay. Fine." Timpani stated, "Alastor, go open the door."

"HAHAHA! She got you there, Blu!" Mimi laughed.

Dimentio stood up from his seat, leaving his mask on the table.

"Very well, mother," Dimentio replied.

He started down the hallway.

"TIMPANI!" Blumiere exclaimed.

"You said that I couldn't, not him~!" Timpani chuckled.

Blumiere grunted in frustration as he got up from his seat.


Dimentio floated down the hall as Blumiere stomped behind him. They both eventually made it to the door, and the knocking coming from the other side was quite loud.

"Alastor, I swear to Grambi, if you open that door I'll-!" Blumiere paused.

"What? You'll GROUND me? Ah ha ha!" Dimentio laughed.

Dimentio grabbed ahold of the door handle and opened it. Blumiere's father still stood there and froze with a scowl on his face as soon as he saw who opened the door.

"I thought that you were possessed." Blumiere's father spat.

"Well, I thought I killed you. So, it's funny how life disappoints." Dimentio retorted, "What do you want? I am currently only answering the door for my mother which is the only thing preventing me from closing it."

Blumiere's father pinched the bridge of his nose and turned away from Dimentio.

"Blumiere, MUST your abomination of a son speak to me?" Blumiere's father questioned.

Blumiere pushed Dimentio behind himself as he stepped up to his father.

"He is MY son, I don't want YOU speaking to HIM, I hardly want to be RELATED to you." Blumiere relayed, "Now tell me why you came here, besides to annoy me?"

Blumiere's father sighed.

"I require a place to stay. This castle has enough enchantments on it to keep the being hunting me down at bay." Blumiere's father stated, "I request to stay here for a while."

Blumiere looked like he had stopped functioning at those words. He might as well have asked Blumiere if he wanted to jump off a cliff. Blumiere pointed at his father as he tried forming words.

"You... I need to discuss with Timpani," Blumiere muttered, "...follow."

Dimentio floated close behind Blumiere as his father walked at a moderate distance behind them. Blumiere continuously mumbled to himself as they walked back towards the dining room.

"...why in the worlds is this happening to me...I must finally be getting punished for all my horrible deeds..." Blumiere muttered, his eyes turning red.

The three of them stopped in the doorway, unnoticed by everyone else as Timpani seemed to be finishing up a story.

"...And THAT is when I realized that Dimentio was actually my son!" Timpani exclaimed.

Mimi, O'Chunks, and Luigi gawked.

"WOW. Dimentio tried to kill Blumiere?!" Mimi asked.

"No, Dimentio was trying to kill Count Bleck, because he still thought that Blumiere wasn't in the right mind," Timpani stated.

"Wait, what happened after Dimentio and Blumiere fought?" Luigi asked.

"Well, Nastasia sent me over so I could stop them and it worked a LITTLE too well. I almost got killed, but Dimentio saved me and we brought him back here so we could heal him." Timpani explained, "Then after I revealed to Blumiere that Dimentio was our son, he was kidnapped for ransom by Blumiere's own father!"

"WAT?! Tha's awful!!!" O'Chunks exclaimed.

"What kind of monster would do that?!" Luigi questioned.

Blumiere coughed, making his presence known. Everyone turned and blinked in confusion.

"Am I seeing double?" Mimi asked.

Nastasia shook her head no. Blumiere's father glared down at all of them.

"Timpani. A word." Blumiere managed to squeak out.

Timpani nodded and got up from her seat, starting out into the hall. Blumiere pointed at his father.

"You stay in this room. These people are some of my most trusted allies and friends. Try anything funny and they WILL NOT hesitate to murder you." Blumiere stated.

Blumiere picked up Dimentio by the shoulders and put him on the table.

"You're in charge." Blumiere told him, "Do your act or something, just keep them distracted."

Blumiere then stomped out of the dining room after Timpani. Everyone looked up at Dimentio.

"Okay then..." Dimentio muttered, "Who wants to see a magic trick? All I need is a volunteer and a signed waiver!"

Dysfunctional FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora