An Awkward Dinner

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Everyone just stood there, a feeling of awkwardness in the air. Luigi passed out face-first onto the floor while O'Chunks and Mimi looked like their brains had stopped functioning.

"Ouch..." Dimentio murmured, looking down at Luigi on the floor, "Let me just..."

Dimentio snapped his fingers and Luigi was standing upright. Nastasia held the man in green up as he slowly came too. Luigi groaned as he rubbed his eyes as if just waking up.

"I just had the weirdest dream where I went back to Castle Bleck, Blumiere and Timpani told everyone that they had a son and that their son is Dimentio but his name is actually Alastor..." Luigi explained, still rubbing his eyes.

"Nope. Not a dream." Nastasia stated.

"Of course it's not..." Luigi sighed in defeat.

Mimi and O'Chunks just continued gawking.

"This was a great plan," Dimentio whispered to Timpani.

"I could go without the sarcasm, Alastor," Timpani replied.

Mimi started to sputter random sounds as she pointed from Blumiere to Dimentio.

"But he-! You-? He tried to-! HOW?!" Mimi managed to spit out.

"Well, you see," Nastasia started, "When two-"

"I'M GOING TO STOP YOU RIGHT THERE." Luigi stated, cutting her off, "She wasn't asking THAT."

"HOW ARE YOU RELATED TO HIM?!" Mimi exclaimed to Blumiere, rephrasing the question.

"Well, to explain that, as you now know, Timpani and I were dating a long time ago and for a VERY long time." Blumiere started explaining.

"And at one point we accidentally had a child..." Timpani added.

"Accidentally?!" Luigi spat.


"Finish that statement and I will not hesitate to kill you," Dimentio said, cutting her off.

"We did WANT to have a child." Timpani stated, reverting the topic back, "But Blumiere and I weren't even ALLOWED to get married..."

"But if ya had 'em, then how didn't ya KNOW he was yer lad when ya RECRUITED 'EM?!" O'Chunks exclaimed, snapping out of his daze.

"Good question, care to explain father~?" Dimentio chuckled.

Blumiere sighed.

"I thought that my father had killed him along with Timpani." Blumiere explained, "Timpani forgot him when she was turned into a Pixl and I decided to forget about him along with Timpani when I took on the name Count Bleck..."

Mimi pointed at Dimentio.

"D-did you know that the Count was your- *GAG* Oh, I can't even say it without barfing..." Mimi muttered, "Did YOU know that the Count was your..?"

"Yes," Dimentio stated, "But, I would like to rephrase. Count Bleck is not my father. Lord Blumiere is."

Mimi and the rest all paused.

"Now is one of those times I'm glad that I don't remember Mr.L's memories when he was here." Luigi laughed nervously.

An awkward silence passed between them all. Timpani gave a nervous laugh.

"Alright, well... We made dinner!" Timpani exclaimed, "Everyone can take a seat as Blumiere, Alastor, and I bring out the food, alright?"

Luigi, Mimi, and O'Chunks cast nervous glances at each other before starting for the table with Nastasia in tow. They took their seats and Timpani and the rest started for the kitchen. All of them except Nastasia seemed on the verge of losing it.

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