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Dimentio opened the door to his room, went inside, slammed it on Blumiere's father, and then opened it again, letting him in.

"Whatever happened to respect your elders?" Blumiere's father spat, rubbing his forehead where the door hit him.

"That was thrown out the window the FIRST attempt on my life," Dimentio stated.

Dimentio floated over and sat on his bed.

"Alright. It appears that my father is requiring me to equip you with a bed. So. Pick a corner." Dimentio said.

"Easy. The farthest from you." Blumiere's father spat.

Dimentio snapped his fingers and a box appeared in one of the corners adjacent to him.

"Where's the bed?" Blumiere's father questioned.

"In the box. You build it by hand." Dimentio chuckled.

Blumiere's father muttered something that probably had one or more swears in it and trudged over to start working on it. 

"Mind conjuring me a tool? What was your name again? Alastor?" Blumiere's father questioned.

"It is Dimentio to you. And yes I do mind." Dimentio replied.

Dimentio stood up.

"Anyway, I am going to go retrieve my mask, thank you," Dimentio stated, "You may stay here."

"Gee, thaaaaanks..." Blumiere's father muttered.

"You're not welcome." Dimentio spat.

Dimentio walked out of the door and locked it behind him. He started towards the dining room but stopped when he heard talking coming from Blumiere and Timpani's room. Timpani had told him several times to stop eavesdropping on people, but he wouldn't listen to that.

"I still think that it is a TERRIBLE idea that you're having my FATHER, who, may I remind you, tried to kill YOU and ALASTOR, stay in his ROOM," Blumiere stated.

"Is not~! They have a chance to get to know each other!" Timpani replied.

Dimentio leaned against the wall and chuckled.

"Poor, forgiving, Timpani." Dimentio laughed under his breath.

"Well, when we discover who or what is after him, I'm going to get rid of it and turn my father away." Blumiere said, "But if all of this is a TRICK like I PRESUME it IS, I shall not make the same mistake of letting him roam free. I will watch his body burn if I have to."

"Blumiere, what have we said about your temper? DEEP breaths." Timpani told him.

Dimentio waited as he could hear Blumiere taking some deep breaths with Timpani.

"And what if it isn't a trick and he's ACTUALLY looking to make a connection with you?" Timpani asked, "You're hardly giving him a chance..."

Blumiere sighed.

"Yes, well, how would you propose we get all four of us in one location talking for several hours consecutively?" Blumiere questioned.

Timpani paused for a moment before gasping.

"I know~!" She cheered.

Blumiere sat on his bed as Timpani ran to their closet and started digging through it. Dimentio could only listen as Timpani rummaged through the closet. He could hear her eventually pull something out.

"Tada! This will be SURE to bring us together!" Timpani exclaimed.

"Or rip apart what's left..." Blumiere muttered.

Dimentio decided that he probably wouldn't get any more information out of eavesdropping and went to go get his mask like he said he was.


Dimentio returned a few minutes later with his mask in hand and whistled as he made his way back towards his room. He unlocked and opened the door and took in a sharp inhale of air. Blumiere's father had somehow managed to put together the bed and was currently sitting on it.

But what Dimentio was freaking out about was the fact he had something in his hands and one of his drawers was open. And the item he had was green.

"WHY IN THE WORLDS DO YOU HAVE THAT?!" Dimentio shouted.

"It was sticking out of that messy drawer in an unorganized fashion." Blumiere's father stated, holding the green cloth between his fingers, "If anything it needs to be thrown AWAY."

Dimentio quickly ran up and snatched the cloth away from him.

"I don't want you TOUCHING or even LOOKING at that drawer again." Dimentio spat.

Dimentio put the cloth back in the drawer and shut it.

"What's so special about a cloth?" Blumiere's father questioned, "And WHY were there pictures of the man in green in there?"

"It wasn't 'the man in green' it was Mr.L!" Dimentio retorted, "And that was HIS bandana!"

Dimentio sat down on his bed with a harumph.

"And what happened to this... 'Mr.L'? Based on a few pictures, I could tell he was a fellow 'teammate' on the team you were on." Blumiere's father stated.

"He's... er... not residing in this world anymore..." Dimentio murmured.

Blumiere's father chuckled.

"Hahaha... I've heard that before. I believe it was those exact words I said to Blumiere when he asked where Timpani went." Blumiere's father laughed.

Dimentio avoided meeting his gaze.

"Oh-ho-ho... Wait a minute~!" Blumiere's father chuckled, "YOU had KILLED this HUMAN called Mr.L and you now REGRET it because you had LOVED HIM! HA HA HA!"

Dimentio growled at him as he turned a deep shade of red.

"Hahahahahaha... Oh, it's for the best really. Our kind and humans aren't meant to mix. YOU are the best example of that." Blumiere's father stated.

Dimentio grunted in frustration.

"At least I HAVE a heart to care about someone!" Dimentio snapped, "I bet that YOU never HAVE. With how stuck up and rule-tight you are, I wouldn't doubt it if you had an arranged marriage on account of your status."

Blumiere's father sat dumbfounded.

"And for the record, maybe there's a REASON why I have more natural magic than any pureblood." Dimentio stated, "What if instead of it being because I'm 'So impure from being of two different bloodlines', it's because I'm more balanced in my element than you could ever dream!"

Dimentio got into his bed with an angry huff.

"Good night! No, you know what? BAD night!" Dimentio spat, "AND I HOPE THE BED BUGS BITE YOU!"

Dimentio snapped his fingers, turning off the lights. Blumiere's father sat in silence as he didn't know how to handle that retort.

"Blumiere never acted THIS bad..." Blumiere's father muttered, "But then again, he did after he met that human girl, Timpani..."

Blumiere's father cast a glance at Dimentio's sleeping form and then sighed. He laid down in his make-shift bed and fell asleep.

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