Planning On It

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AN: This is pretty much my comfort chapter with a bunch of Limentio fluff. So, for those of you who came here not intending to read about that ship, you can just ignore the gushy parts and just focus on the other junk. Sorry for those who don't like the Limentio... -w-"


Dimentio hummed as he opened the door to his room and walked out, slowly closing and locking the door behind himself. He let out a sigh and leaned against the wall, a small smile creeping its way onto his mask.

"This is the first time my plans have both been sidetracked or been replaced by a better plan." Dimentio chuckled to himself, "And... I can't find the word... but there's something there."


Dimentio turned and was hardly surprised to see Mr.L leaning against the wall as well. Dimentio chuckled a little in response and nodded.

"Yes... I suppose that must be it." Dimentio replied.

"Why did you try to kill me?" Mr.L asked, standing upright and walking over, "I need to hear the answer from your mouth."

Dimentio took a deep breath and sighed, pinching the bridge of his masked nose.

"Yes, my intention was to kill you, I will admit to that." Dimentio stated, his masked expression neutral, "But... It's a little complicated....."

Mr.L arched an eyebrow at him and crossed his arms.

"Try me. I've gone through about three mental breakdowns in the past half an hour, I can handle a fourth." Mr.L replied.

Dimentio laughed in response and Mr.L smiled.

"Alright then... Swear to Grambi that you'll never tell ANYONE?" Dimentio questioned.

Mr.L crossed his heart and made a zipping motion across his lips, flicking his finger as if getting rid of a key. Dimentio nodded in response and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling.

"In case it wasn't blatantly obvious, I have been on my own and fending for myself ever since I was... One year old? Two years old? Anyway, when I was very, VERY young, my mother vanished and my father was gone, neither of them to be found..." Dimentio started, "Most of it is hazy, but I can remember waking up one day and waiting for them to show, only to wait about a month to realize that they weren't coming back any time soon."

"You were only practically a BABY and yet you were able to survive that long on your OWN?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"What can I say? I was bright for my age." Dimentio chuckled, "Do you want me to continue?"

"Yes, please, I need clarity." Mr.L begged.

"Ah ha ha... Well, I left my home to search for my parents only to find that everyone from the village my father had grown up in was brutally murdered." Dimentio explained, "And as you can imagine, the sight of corpses for miles did WONDERS for my psyche, ah ha ha ha ha... After that, I only assumed that my parents both left me for dead, so that day forth, emotions and attachment were only a bad thing in my eyes."

"But you said that the count is your dad, right?! Why don't you just tell him that you're alive?!" Mr.L questioned.

"You are getting AWFULLY intrigued by my past." Dimentio pointed out, "I thought that you prided yourself on being a 'lone wolf'?"

"Shut up! Just tell me why the count doesn't know!!!" Mr.L replied.

"Ah ha ha ha ha... Well, if you insist upon knowing; I came to the count with the hopes that I could get my father back... But soon learned that Blumiere was dead and so was Timpani." Dimentio stated, "I kept on this team with the hopes that he would simply snap out of it, but he refuses to do so. And on top of all that, even the others don't know this, Count Bleck plans to destroy all worlds and keep them in ruin."

"WHAT!?" Mr.L shouted.

Dimentio quickly shushed Mr.L, quietly reminding him that there were other people in the castle.

"Exactly... So, unfortunately, I had planned to change the prophecy in my favor. Get the heroes to defeat the count for me, take the Chaos Heart for myself, and create a perfect world where no one gets ABANDONED by their PARENTS." Dimentio spat, "And the only way to change the tide of the prophecy is, unfortunately for you, changing the side of battle the man in green is on. There's a reason why you were accepted into the count's ranks so fast, and it wasn't for your mechanical prowess."

Mr.L paused as it sank in.

"So... I really am just another pawn in this whole game?" Mr.L questioned rhetorically, "That's why the count didn't want me doing anything, huh? I was just supposed to stay behind and be player 2... Heh, well, I guess that I almost failed at that too. You came pretty close to ending me."

Dimentio shook his head and smiled at Mr.L.

"Don't worry, L. If this new plan works, everything will be perfect. No one has to backstab anyone, no one has to die, and you'll get to be more than just player 2." Dimentio told him, "I'll be sure to find a way to keep you from being turned."

Mr.L smiled back and chuckled a little under his breath.

"Still didn't answer my question, though." Mr.L stated, "And I won't take an insinuation for an answer."

Dimentio took a deep breath and looked down at his feet.

"I had tried to end your game because I became emotionally attached; and the last time I was emotionally attached, both of my parents vanished from my life in the blink of an eye." Dimentio flatly replied, "Like an addictive candy, you like it a lot, but when it's gone you're left with nothing but longing for more..."

Mr.L smirked at Dimentio and crossed his arms while leaning on the wall.

"More what?" Mr.L taunted.

"Ah ha ha, don't push it, L~❤" Dimentio replied with a smooth tone.

Both of them laughed to themselves until the halls fell quiet, all of the other minions practically prepping themselves for the end of days elsewhere.

"Heh, so you know that Nastasia has been..?" Mr.L trailed off.

"Yes, and she needs to STOP," Dimentio replied with a strained smile, "If I catch her flirting with him again, I will not hesitate to harm her in every way possible."

"Hahaha! I'm pretty sure Nastasia would have a heart attack realizing that if she got her wish she would be your stepmom~! HAHAHA!" Mr.L laughed.

Dimentio shivered and shook his head.

"Don't even say that! That is my new nightmare! Thank you for that unpleasant dream that I will no doubt have now!" Dimentio replied.

"Hahaha... But in all seriousness, if worse comes to worst, just tell the truth to the count. Worst you can do is make him faint." Mr.L chuckled, "But hey, I'm here to help if you need it. Al~"

Mr.L gave Dimentio a wink and a pat on the shoulder before walking off back towards his own room so he could be ready when Nastasia called what would no doubt be the last meeting before their dooms. Dimentio shook his head with a smile and a small chuckle.

"No matter how he says my name, it's always going to make me swoon." Dimentio sighed.

After a few moments, Nastasia came by Dimentio's room to inform him about a meeting. Dimentio knew this would be his opportunity to snag the Dark Prognosticus. The only thing left now was hope, something that after being dormant in the jester for so long was now burning bright. However, there still remained quite a few obstacles that could evidently snuff out those rekindled flames; one of those being that Count Bleck made certain to have the Dark Prognosticus on his person at all times.

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