❤️ Chapter 12 - Calian❤️

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Calian (n.) - Warrior of Life.

"He sweeps her hair back from her ears; he swings her above his head. He says she is his émerveillement. He says he will never leave her, not in a million years."

-Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

-Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

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Arundathi's  POV

I could hear many voices talking in background. I squinted my eyes and slowly opened them. I was blinded by the sudden bright light and as my eyes adjusted to it, I looked around. Mumma, Pappa, Vishwas and Kaka were present. Mumma was sitting beside me, Dev and Pappa were discussing something while Kaka and Vishwas were sitting on couch there.

"Ayu." I whispered. Mumma looked at me with tears running down her eyes. "Dev." She called. Dev swiftly jerked his head towards and saw me conscious. "You are awake." He said and ran to me. He made me sit upright and adjusted a pillow behind my back so that I can be comfortable. He made me drink some water and wiped my mouth with his handkerchief. "What happened?" I asked.

"What happened is why didn't you have today lunch? Your bp went down and you fainted." I looked at my hands which were resting in my lap. "How is Ayu now? Did she wake up?" I asked eagerly looking at him. "She is not yet awake. They are preparing for surgery." He replied. "She will fine. I know. We have so much time together remaining. So many things to experience with her, so many memories to make. She will be alright." I spoke crying. Mumma rubbed my back and hugged me. I sobbed burring my face in her chest.

"I have talked to doctors and they are going to take her in operation theatre in few minutes." Dev told me. "I want to meet her and speak to her before they take her in." Dev nodded and came to my side. He helped me out of and took me to her ward holding my hand. I nodded at him, left his hand and entered in. The nurses who were preparing her up for operation saw me and went out to give me privacy.

I took her hand in mine and kissed it. "Ayu. You know the meaning of your name? Ayushi, it means a very long life. I kept your name Ayushi because of the struggle you emerged victorious from of your life. When you were small baby in womb, doctor had told me that your chances of surviving are very less yet you came in this world stubbornly. When you cried for the first time, you didn't make any noise yet my heart could hear your cry full of life. You were premature and very weak yet you always proved those annoying doctors filled with negativity wrong each time. You are such a strong, courageous and brave fighter, my baby. You are the greatest treasure of my life. Please one more time win this fight also for me. Prove all those doctors out there telling me this surgery is risky and critical wrong and show them that my baby is strongest. Show them that your Aai belief and love is stronger than anything. Tell them you are you Aai's Ayu and come back to me. Please." I whispered at last.

"Come back to both of us telling that you are Ayushi Dev Agnihotri. Show them how strong, brave and stubborn Agnihotris are. I have just got you Pari, I want to make so many memories with you, with both of you. Be brave my Pari." Dev said coming from behind and bent to her, combing her hair and leaving a longing kiss on her head.

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