❤Chapter 7 - Ubuntu❤️

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A/N : Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I mistakenly missed uploading the picture of goth(bangle) which Aaji gave to Aru so if you didn't get what it actually is you can check out in last chapter. Thank you all so much for everyone's support.
I am very happy to tell you guys that we have 500+ reads. When I started writing I never thought my work would be appreciated by this many people. So thank you everyone. Love you all❤️ Take care 😊

Ubuntu (n.) - the belief that we are defined by our compassion and kindness toward others.

"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. . If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."

-Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights.

-Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

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Arundathi POV

Dev shook my shoulder lightly. I woke up and looked around. I was still in the car but it had stopped in front of the mansion. "We have reached." He said. Ayu also woke up and started rubbing her eyes. Dev took her hand in his and shook his head to her indicating not to rub her eyes. She smiled lazily at him and came to me and gave a kiss on my cheek.

"Slept well?" I signed to her. She nodded her head, all the sleepiness gone from before replacing with energy. Chauhan opened the car door and she hoped off the car, waving at him smilingly signing thank you skidded inside. We both got down too, I walked behind Ayu following her and Dev went with Chauhan to a different direction.

Its surprising how this big mansion feels more like home, like a safe haven a feeling I was deprived at childhood and always yearned for in so little time. I went in to see Mumma, Aaji and Kaki sitting around Ayu. I chuckled and sat in front of them. Ayu was signing them today's adventures and all the things she did. They could hardly understand what she was saying but the glow on her face and the enthusiasm from her made everyone smile and laugh looking at her.

They looked at me and smiled. I translated for them what Ayu was saying. We were enjoying our time together, when we heard sound cars stopping. We looked at the door and Pappa and Kaka came. They sat with us and Pappa patted my head. We all were talking with other, Meena Aaji came and told us that its time for dinner.

We went to room, freshen up, changed our clothes, and went to dinning room. I was helping Mumma and Kaki to serve when Dev came down. We all sat down and started our dinner.

"So enjoyed your trip?" Kaka asked. "Yeah." Dev replied and continued eating. Kaka looked at me and I smiled at him. "You have a job back at Delhi, right?" Pappa asked me clearing the awkwardness in air.

"Yes. Now I have to contact my team head. Goddd." I cringed remembering that stupid annoying team head. He could never understand meaning of no, how much ever I rejected his advances yet he would always be after me.

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