Screen Love - Stefinelle

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*Danielle's POV*
disclaimer: i don't own OITNB characters or litchfield :)


"I got the part?" I asked my manager in shock. This was my first lead role, and I was not expecting to get it, especially against others with more experience.

"You did! They loved you!" James confirmed.

"Thank you so much!"

"As always Danielle, good luck on the first day soon!"

*** (present) ***

I'm nervous, to say the least. Any part can be nerve-wracking. Wanting to make sure everything's in the same spot, you move the same way, you say the lines the same, and all of that. Especially when you have a lead on a anticipated show about being in prison.

Pulling up to the set for the first table read, I'm met by the gate guard, which I present my ID to.

"Welcome! First right then you'll see it, stage 3. Have a good day!"

"You too, thanks!" and with that, off to my first lead role.

After parking, I gather my wallet, keys, and phone before looking at the time, seeing that I still have 30 minutes till I should technically be here. So I wait, hoping and praying someone else shows up, knowing what to do once here. Like, do I just walk in? Knock? All my other roles people it was an outside shoot, or there were people outside going in to follow. Here, there's none of that.

Luckily for me, after about 10 minutes of waiting, I see another car pull in a few spots away from me. Shutting my car off and getting out before locking it to make it seem I just got here, I head for the door.

Not too far away from the door, my nerves shoot up again, not surprised though. Deciding to look back to see who the other car belonged to, not my best idea. Why? I see her, and she's stunning. Long brown hair down in waves, with sunglasses to protect her eyes. Pushing those thoughts into small boxes to be locked away forever cause no way I'm falling for someone one, on sight and two, the same show. I decide to talk to her, I have to know what to do.

"Hey sorry I'm new," I chuckle a little, feeling stupid to even be asking this. "Do you know if we just walk in or knock? There's always been people outside before or it was just outside filming," I start rambling, opposite of what I wanted.

"It's ok," she takes her sunglasses off to reveal whiskey-brown eyes. "You just walk in, I'm Stefania by the way," Stefania introduces herself to me, and damnit, even her name has to be perfect.

"Danielle, nice to meet you," I reach out to take her hand to shake.

"You too! Ready for table read?" she questions, as we reach the door. "Nervous," is the only way I can think to describe it as I pull it open, holding it for Stefania behind me also.

"Understandable, and thanks. It does get less nerve-wracking over time, though."

"That's good to know," we walk into the building, the door shutting behind us.

"And right here is the cast room," she gestures to leading the way definitively knowing I have no clue where to go.

"I probably sound stupid, where's table read?"

"You don't sound stupid! I was the one asking these too one day not long ago. Usually main set unless told otherwise which would be down here," she leads me through yet another hallway.

Walking into the main set room, we see tables and chairs out with name spots, telling who to sit where. There's also some snacks and refreshments to the side, which is nice. A few people are here and grabbing snacks sitting at the table, so that's what I do, follow the crowd.

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