Train & plane to New York

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Today is the day that we get on the plane to New York (Plane to Grand Rapids right after). It's 500 AM and our plane leaves at 630 AM. We took the bus downtown, and then the elevated train to the airport. We caught the early bus at 513 AM. We got quite lucky. When we got downtown, we rushed to our train. I kinda had to pee at the moment, so I just let it out. It was sloshing around between my legs and then I sat down in it on the train. I fell asleep for a bit on the train. And as usual, I soaked my pull-up while sleeping. When I woke up I saw someone sitting across from me on the train. He got up as soon as I looked up. He also gave me a weird look like he could see my pull-up. Indeed, my pants had slipped down quite a bit while I was sleeping.I honestly didn't care that much.When we got to the airport, we checked in, went through security, a million times, and we finally got to the terminal. I still had the soaked pull-up on, so I asked mom if I could go to the bathroom to change. She said yes and Emma followed me to the bathroom. Nadia: "Emma what are you doing here?" Emma: "I'm changing my pull-up as well." Nadia: "Well, okay then lemme know if you need any help."Once we were done, we threw our old pull-ups away and headed back to our terminal gate. Our plane had just touched down, so we ran back to our gate. Mom: "Grab your backpack! It's time!" Emma: "I'm so excited!" Nadia: "We all are!" So we grabbed our packs and we boarded the plane, going through yet another security check. I couldn't wait. We then took our seats, and I pulled out my phone. The workers on the plane did the life vest thing in both English and Danish of course. This was the most boring part. So I turned on airplane mode on my tablet and my phone and started up my favourite playlists on Spotify. We then took off. This is a part that made me pee a bit. And always has.The plane ride was really quite boring. All we could see for quite some time was the ocean. I did beat three geometry dash levels on the ride though. So yeah that's cool.While I was playing my pull-up slowly filled up. We weren't in cruise mode, so I couldn't get up and change. I couldn't hold it any longer. It was just gonna continue to come out. I wish we were in cruise mode so I could change. My pull-up was filling to the brim now. We suddenly entered cruise mode. I grabbed a pull-up from my backpack. Nadia: "Emma move outta the way!" I yelled. Everyone on the plane knew that I was wearing pull-ups.Once I got to the bathroom, I quickly changed and sat down on the toilet. I read a sign that said:TOILET PAPER ONLY! NO PAPER TOWELS, SANITARY PRODUCTS, DIAPERS, NOT EVEN IF IT SAYS FLUSHABLE!I didn't see that you can't put pull-ups in the toilet, so I put my soaked one in there. I don't know if it was quite a good idea to do that, but there is no turning back. I went back to my seat and fell asleep with Emma. We both enjoyed that.When I woke up, they were announcing that we were gonna land soon. In New york. I was super excited because I had never been to the United States before.

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