He texted Brad he was running late, which would ensure Brad was gone before he got there. He glanced down at his arm. The tough black canvas jacket had protected him a lot, but it needed to be stitched. He sat on the motorcycle and contemplated his options. He couldn't risk going into a store like this. Paige had a bunch of worthless garbage in that first aid kit but it would have to do. He had the stitching kit in the glovebox of his truck, which was at her house.

Rev sat until five, then started for Paige's house. As he passed through the downtown, his eyes were drawn to a black Durango. As he passed it, he recognized the petite face behind the wheel.

What the fuck is she doing?

He also noticed the inconspicuous black sedan two cars back with a driver in all black, black leather gloves, and black sunglasses at near dark. A wave of fear punched him in the stomach. He glanced over his shoulder. She was pulling over at the next block up. He zipped into the next alleyway, came out, and flew up the block, turning sharply into the next alley.  He drove halfway up, parking his cycle, dropping his helmet, and stealthily running to the edge of the alley. It wasn't dark, but it was dusk, and the alley was dark. He barely peeked his head out and could see Paige coming toward him. He didn't see anyone behind her but his guess was that they were there.

The second Paige was in range, he snagged her right off her feet as he had done in practice, and walked backward into the alley with his hand on her mouth. She instantly had gone rigid and started struggling. He wasn't teaching her anything right now and couldn't wait for her to figure it out.

"Stop fighting me. Now", he whispered in her ear, still walking backward. He knew she recognized his voice. She had stopped struggling. "Stay silent", he breathed, removing his hand from her mouth and positioning them behind a dumpster so they could still see the entrance to the alley. He removed the gun from his waistband and took the safety off, slowly and quietly. He kept one arm around Paige, across her chest with his hand on her shoulder. She had both her hands clutching that arm. She didn't say a word and didn't try to move.

When the man walked past the alley, he paused and looked in, turning, and almost taking a step. Rev felt Paige instinctively cringe back against his body, which almost broke his concentration. The man kept going.

Rev waited a moment then put the safety back on and stuck it back in his pants. He grabbed Paige's shoulders and turned her to look at him.

"What are you doing here?", he whispered.

"Picking up food for us", she whispered back, looking shaken. "Who was that guy?"

"I don't know but he was following you".

He watched her eyes grow large.

"Where is this restaurant?", he asked.

"Two stores that way".

"You're going to get your food, get into your vehicle, and drive home. Walk, act normal, and don't be scared. I'll be right there even if you don't see me. Got it?"

She looked frozen.

"Love, you can do this".

She took a deep breath and nodded. He grabbed his cycle and walked it up to the entrance of the alley, then carefully looked around.

"Go", he told her. She went. He put on his helmet, started the cycle and drove it across the road, turning in the opposite alley and waiting there. He saw her walk into the restaurant. Two minutes later, he saw her walk out and get into her vehicle. She started driving. He didn't see the man anywhere and his car was still parked. Rev took off after her.

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