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Zach layed in bed. . . crying

Just like he had been for the past week

It all started 6 days ago, on Saturday, at 9am in the morning

The band stopped loving Zach, most importantly Jack Avery, his boyfriend if over 2 years had stopped loving him

Or so he thought

That saturday morning was the first the youngest didn't wake up with protective arms around his waste. When he went to find his missing boyfriend he instead found a note⤵

Hey Zach
me and the boys went to get some breakfast but I didn't want to wake you.
See you in a few hours

'Really? He didn't even say I Love You, And he called me Zach instead of baby or cutie' Zach thought but quickly dismissed it and figured they might've been rushing

But maybe he wasn't wrong because when Jack did return Zach got a simple good morning with no hug or kiss, no 'how was your sleep baby?' Or 'I brought you back some food cutie'

No none of that, Zach got nothing, not even a bro hug from his other three bandmates

'What did I do wrong' Zach asked himself and ran to his room to cry into the white sheets

The first of many times.

. . . . . . . . . .

Here's the truth

Jack didn't unlove Zach, none of the boys did. He was still Jack's baby and he was still Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel's brother

The reason they were ignoring him was for a surprise

Jack was going to propose!

He wanted it to be huge! A big surprise celebration of the love he shares with Zach

But for this to happen Zach can't know and the other 3 can't comfort Zach either. . . that job is Eben's

Someone close with Zach who vaguely knows the plan who can make the boy feel loved until Jack has EVERYTHING ready

This surprise has been going on for a week already and it was getting harder and harder for Jack to finish, but he pushed through

The thing making it hard for the curly haired boy was every heart breaking sob coming from the live of his life

Zach's cries sounded through the band house on a daily basis, they made Jack want to quit and comfort his boy

Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel kept on helping Jack to get to the finish, reminding him that Zach will love it and that this is all for Zach

Ja: ok ok, just a couple more days, I got this

Jack kept on telling himself

. . . . . . . . . .

Two more days had past and Zach was a mess

Jack was a super excited, nervous mess, the surprise was done and he was going to propose that evening

Jonah called Eben over to clean up Zach and make him engagement ready

When Eben arrived he went to the youngest band member's bedroom and got him to shower

Zach finally washed away his tear stains and ate a proper meal

When 6pm rolled around and the sun was starting to set Eben got Zach into a nice pair of black jeans with a white long sleeve shirt and a black jacket

The only way Eben could get the boys dressed and out of bed was by laying and telling him they were going to chipotle

Za: Eben whyyyyy. He whined like a child
Eb: because, you haven't breathed fresh air in ove a week Zachary, and I know you want a burrito so don't lie
Za: fine, but only cause I want food. He agreed stubbornly
Eb: great, and put on sneakers cuz we're walking

Eben had to drag Zach out the back door but the struggle ended when Zach saw it

The most beautiful set up of fairy lights, rose petals, and candles

A trial of red petals on the ground lead to a heart of candles with a very handsome Jack standing in it

Ja: Hi my love
Za: w-what?
Ja: I said, Hi my love, you look amazing
Za: but-but I thought you guys hate me
All: Never
Da: are you just going to stand there or are you gonna go to your man

Zach looked down and followed the trail, when he got to the end Jack's hand was offered out to him

Zach wasn't a psychopath so he obviously took it and let Jack help him into the heart

Za: why'd you ignore me?
Ja: I didn't want to ruin the surprise
Za: this was the worst week ever, I thought y-you hated me
Ja: baby, look at me, I can never hate you, and believe me, I hated this too. It broke my heart hearing you cry and not being able to go comfort you killed me

Jack wrapped his arms around Zach and they two stayed in a hug for well over a minute

Zach's head was rested on Jack's shoulder and they lightly swaying with the breeze

Then Jack pulled away

Ja: I love you, and not the kind of love where we say it daily and kiss but the kind where I want to plan a future with you, the kind of love that makes me do this. . .

Jack slowly lowered himself into one knee while keeping eye contact with Zach

He pulled a black velvet box from his back pocket and held it out infront of him

The box opened and revealed a gorgeous gold and silver ring with a diamond in the center

Za: oh my god. He whispered
Ja: Zachary Dean Herron, I love you more then words can explain, I want to be with you til the day I die, Will You Marry Me?

Zach was speechless. His mouth hung open and his hands covered it

The brunet nodded slowly and Jack sprung up. He slid the ring on Zach's finger and spun the smaller in a circle

Za: oh my goodness! JACK! I love you so so much!
Ja: I love you too baby

When Jack set Zach back down on the ground the younger male walked over to the other 4 boys

He slapped Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel on their shoulders then bro hugged them

The Zach went to Eben

Za: I still want chipotle dude


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