First Period

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Auntie Tatum~38


Christina woke up with a unusual pain in her abdomen. It felt like she was being stabbed from the inside, out. She turned on her side and pulled her knees to her chest, Christina began to softly cry in pain

Zach and Jack ran down the halls of their house and woke everyone up, first their Daddies then their big brother lastly their sister. The two smaller boys barged into Christina's room

Zach ran to her bed and climbed on, he then started jumping on her and shaking her aggressively. Jack walked in and saw she was awake unlike normal, he wasn't quite sure but he thinks he saw tears.

Ch: Get Off Me Zachary! She said with a angry voice, trying to cover her pain

She pushed him off of herself and he fell in the floor, landing on his bum with a small thud.

Ch: both of you Out! She said and turned to face the wall

Jack helped Zach up and they hurried out of the room. Zach was still crying his little heart out and Jack was hugging him, that's when their dads and brother came to them

Co: Jack! Did you hurt your brother!?
Ja: No papa, I didn't!
Jo: why's he crying?
Za: C-Chrissy m-mean-ie
Jo: what did she do bubba?
Za: she y-yell an' push m-me t-to f-floor
Co: I'll go talk to her
Ja: wait, daddy papa can I talk to you first? He said with a serious expression, he almost look scared
Jo: sure bud, Daniel can you go make Zach some food?
Da: sure, lets go bub

Daniel took Zach away from them and as soon as he was out of ear shot Jack ran to his dads and cried into their stomachs

Co: what's wrong? Jacky what happened?
Ja: somethings wrong with Chrissy
Jo: what do you mean?
Ja: she was awake before us, when she yelled it sounded painful and I think I saw tears
Co: we'll go check it out, thank you bud, can you go see Daniel?
Ja: ok, tell her I hope she's better
Jo: we will

Corbyn and Jonah went to their daughter's room and lightly knocked. A muffled 'come in' was heard and they entered. The two fathers saw their daughter curled up on her bed and they crouched by her side

Jo: hey Chris, what's wrong sweetie?
Ch: it hurts
Co: what does? He asked and rubbed her back

Christina turned to face her dads. She pointed to her lower belly area. Corbyn was focused the tear tracks and puffy eyes while Jonah was concerned about what could be causing her pain.

Co: oh baby, it's ok, do you need the bathroom maybe?
Ch: I don't think so, it just hurts
Jo: what kind of pain is it?
Ch: sometimes its sharp but sometimes its throbbing, it really hurts
Jo: ok, well maybe try going to the bathroom like papa said, you never know

Christina nodded slightly and slowly got up. She held her arms around her middle and walked to the bathroom across the hall. Jonah stayed outside the door and Corbyn went to check on his sons

Christina was in the bathroom and when she pulled down her underwear she was terrified. Her previous light grey underwear was now red. She screamed and started to cry, she thought she was dying. After her scream Jonah was quick to knock on the door and ask her what's wrong. Corbyn and her brothers all came running to the bathroom

Jo: Christina sweetie what's wrong
Ch: I-I d-don't kn-know! She sobbed
Co: can me and you dad come in?
Ch: No!
Jo: do you need help? Chrissy we can't do anything from outside the door
Ch: Don't Come In!

Co: Daniel take your brothers to their room. He said quietly
Da: wait papa, Chris if we get Auntie Tatum could she come in?
Ch: y-yes
Jo: ok, I'll call her now sweetie

Jonah pulled out his phone and dialed his sister's number. On the second ring she answered

Ta: hey Jo
Jo: Hi Tate, could you come over asap, Christina needs help but doesn't want us
Ta: so a female
Jo: yeah, could you come?
Ta: sure, I'm on my way

Tatum hung up the phone and it was 10 minutes later when she arrived at her brother's house. Jonah let her in and she went to the bathroom

Ta: Christina love, can I come in?
Ch: as long as my dads and brothers aren't there
Ta: their not, I'm coming in

Tate entered and saw Christina sitting on the toilet with a sad/scared expression

Ta: what's wrong?
Ch: I'm dying
Ta: what?
Ch: I'm bleeding a lot and it hurts
Ta: oh hunny, no Chris your aren't dying, you got your period
Ch: my what?
Ta: your period, have they not talked about it in school yet?
Ch: no
Ta: well every girl gets one, every month your uterus becomes thick to prepare for pregnancy, if you don't get pregnant then it sheds and leaves the body
Ch: oh ok, but what about my underwear?

Tate told her to wait a second while she grabbed some things. Tate went to Christina's room and grabbed a new pair of underwear, then grabbed her purse and went back into the bathroom.

Ta: here put these on but don't pull them up. She said and handed the girls some clean underwear
Ta: and this... Is a pad, you place it in your underwear and it catches the blood. She said when she pulled a pad put of her purse.

Tatum explained how to apply the pad and then got her a few pain killers for her cramps. Once Christina was cleaned up and calmed down her and Tate left the bathroom. Everyone else was in the living room so that's where the two girls went

Jo: Chris baby, are you ok?
Ch: uh-huh, I'm fine

Tatum went up to her brother and brother-in-law, she smacked them both up side the head

Ta: kids go to your rooms please
All; ok! They said and ran off
Jo: why'd you hit us?
Ta: She got he period, the poor girl didn't know what it was cause they haven't learnt in school
Jo&Co: ohhh
Ta: I'm gonna send you guys a shopping list for her, buy the stuff and do your research so you know what's going on in your daughters life

Tatum hugged them, called the kids down and kissed them all on the head before leaving. She sent the list to Jonah and Corbyn, then drove off.

Jonah was the one who went shopping for the supplies while Corbyn stayed back. The pain killers hadn't fully kicked in for Christina so she was in a little pain. When Zach went down for a nap she went to Daniel's room and cuddled with her big brother.

Da: are you ok?
Ch: yeah
Da: good, you had me scared
Ch: I had myself scared too, auntie Tatum helped

A couple hours later Jonah and Corbyn called their kids for dinner. The 3 boys went running, and Christina made a trip to the bathroom first. She didn't know alot about periods and was still learning but she knew that her pad had to get changed for hygiene and leaking purposes. Lucky for her her dad already went shopping and put the pads under the sink.

When Christina was washed up she then joined her family in the kitchen

Co: See, Chrissy wasn't skipping dinner for fun time
Ja: oh, I still wanna play my game
Jo: after buddy
Ch: what're we talking about?
Da: Jay wants to play his game and thought you were skipping to have more fun time, where were you by the way?
Ch: I was in the bathroom, anyways how's your bum bum Z? She asked quickly changing the topic

Za: good? Why wouldn't be?
Ch: cause you fell pretty hard this morning when I pushed you
Za: oh! I fowgot, I all good
Ch: that's good
Ja: why were you a grumpy? You were like Dani
Da: hey!
Ch: I just hurt a little but I'm all better
Jo: lets talk about something else. He said noticing his daughter's attempts to cover up

The rest of dinner went smoothly and Christina kept in contact with her auntie Tatum for the next couple days to ask anything she wondered about her first period

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