Little Jack

402 9 64

Jonah~21 (Daddy)
Jack~17 (headspace 18 months)

This story contains triggering topics like attempting suicide, continue with caution



Jack was always on the softer side despite his look being hard core skater boy, when inside the wdw house he wore sweatshirts and loose jeans

Jack was also considered unstable. Ever since he was little he has been. After Jack's dad left him for another family Jack became depressed and he had anxiety about loosing anyone.

The curly haired did therapy, he had pills, and the boys were very careful with his emotions. Because of John Avery leaving, Jack has become very sensitive, all his emotions are kept close to the surface, deciding to appear whenever

For the last couple days Jack had been getting major hate about a post he did, it wasn't his normal look, instead, it was him in a colorful striped polo shirt in a beach chair. The fans didn't like it.

People were calling him a fag and saying he should stick to black cause the colors make him ugly.

When Jonah saw Jack crying under his bed, he deleted the post from Jack's account. But that wasn't enough

'Fans' were posting the photo and writing mean captions Then tagging Jack. It was getting worse and worse, the hashtag JackAveryIsUgly started trending and the picture was everywhere

Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach all defended him and stopped as much as they could, reporting every account that left a mean comment. Nothing was enough to stop the youngest band mate from seeing it

It got to the point where Jonah confiscated his phone and would cuddle him all day. Jack was in such a poor state he couldn't leave the house, he could barely leave his room

One day it became to much for him

Jack got up from bed and went to the bathroom. He took a shower for the first time that week and did his hair, nothing could hide the tear stains, baggy red eyes and red cheeks.

He had been crying for 5 days straight.

He had thrown up twice from crying to much, and 3 times from anxiety.

Now he was crying again as he reached for the sharp silver blade.

The blade hovered shakily over his smooth skin, he looked down then back at his hideous appearance in the mirror.

That was all it took for him to press the metal on his skin, not stopping until it broke through. He dragged it all across his wrist in no real pattern, just line after line in every direction.

Jo: Jack! He said breathlessly when he saw the youngest cutting
Jo: no no no bubby stop it, come here sweetie. He said softly

Jack broke down into loud sobs and he stumbled into Jonah's warm embrace. The oldest member picked up Jack and carried him to the bed. Jack didn't complain or try to move cause he was to warn out

Jonah quickly gathered supplies and tended to the cuts. He gently cleaned the blood and wrapped them in gauze to stop the bleeding. The tall, green eyed bandmate placed sweet kisses on Jack's arm over the new bandages and a couple on his temples and forehead

Jo: all better, can you tell me why you did this bub?
Ja: the hate
Jo: how can you read it? I have your phone
Ja: from before... They're right-
Jo: no Jay, no they're not, you can wear whatever, do whatever, and be whoever you want
Ja: no. He cried
Ja: I can't, I'm ugly a-and stupid and I-I suck at e-every-thing! He started sobbing

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