Father In a Band

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Requested by MikkiHeitkamp
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Plot~ Jonah is a single father in the band. He deals with having a kid in the house and working in the band.


2 years ago Jonah's girlfriend, Tate passed away after the birth of their daughter, Kenna. The boys love having Kenna in the house, don't tell anyone but her favorite uncle is Jack.

*Jonah's p.o.v*

I woke up early like always to have a little time just me and my coffee. I see Daniel come down the stairs with Kenna in his arms

Ke: Daddy!
Jo: Good morning princess, why is she awake? I asked Daniel
Da: don't know, I just heard her talking to her stuffie
Ke: Not stuffie its Muffin my puppy
Ja: yeah Daniel its Muffin, not a stuffie
Da: good morning to you to Jack
Ke: Uncle Jacky!

She tried to get out of Daniels grip to Jack but couldn't

Da: Kenna your gonna fall
Ke: Uncle Daniew can uou put me down
Ja: your gonna ask to be picked up anyways so here.

Jack took Kenna out of Daniel's arms and into his own. Kenna clung to Jack like a koala, I didn't even get a hug this morning! I go grab a bowl, I make some yogurt and fruit for Kenna.

Jo: Jack can you put her in the high chair
Ja: I'll try, she might not let go

He tried to put her in the chair but she didn't let go. No, instead she whined and squirmed not letting go.

Jo: Kenna please let uncle Jack pit you in the chair.
Ke: Noo, Then he leave
Ja: I won't leave I'll sit right beside you
Ke: okay. She mumbled
Jo: thank you princess

I gave her, her breakfast and by the end she had yogurt all over her face, shirt, pants, and even in her hair. Corbyn had just come into the kitchen and and saw the mess

Co: woah, she must be Jonah's daughter, look at the mess!
Jo: I'm not that messy, but she needs a bath

I picked up my messy baby and took her upstairs. I set her in the warm bath water and washed all of the yogurt off of her. I took her out of the bath, I changed her into a pull-up, black leggings and a pink minnie mouse shirt.

Jo: if you have to go potty, you tell me or one of your uncles, okay?
Ke: okay daddy

We went back downstairs and I saw daniel on the phone

Jo: who's he on the phone with
Co: Jon, I think we have studio time
Jo: oh, he knows to give at least me a warning, I don't have anyone to watch Kenna
Ja: she can come
Jo: would we actually get stuff done?
Co: she's smart, tell her we have to work
Jo: oka-
Da: Someone wake up Zach, we leave in a hour
Ke: can I wake uncle Zach!
Ja: yeah lets go!

Jack took Kenna upstairs and we couldn't hear anything but Kenna burst into giggles then Jack running down the stairs with Zach chasing him

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